Page 23 of Redemption

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“No Mako. I don’t think it was for the money. My mind tried to go there, but I stopped it. I love you too. I don’t want the money. I want you. I don’t want to leave.” Between my drunk brain and his sobs, it was hard to make out everything clearly. I turned and fumbled the lock on the door and opened it a crack.

“Want me? You sure? I got nothing to give but love, baby.” I couldn’t see his face, but I could smell him, and it settled me a bit.

“You got everything to give. You love me. You’re my mate. Besides, I’ve got a shit ton of money apparently and when the test comes back, it’s yours.” He tried to laugh, but it came out as a wet sob. I pulled the door the rest of the way open and saw we were both sitting on the floor. I lunged for my mate and hugged him to me. “Mako, you smell like alcohol. I like your natural smell better.” His words were muffled against my chest. I might have been clenching him.

“You lub me no matter how I smell. Jus like I lub you if you broke or not.” Yep, drunk me could still try to be funny.

Pushing away and patting my chest, “100% big guy. 100%. Wanna go up and get in bed. It’s been a long day.” That was an offer I wouldn’t refuse.

“Yep.” Who knew I could pop my P better than smartie Owen? “Bed wif, my mate. Gon knot you over and over. Make you scream my name, baby. Gon feel me for days.” My dick was attempting to perk up. He might need a pep talk.

“Mmm. Phone babe.” Theo held out his hand.

“Pocket.” I patted the pocked of my jeans. Theo reached in and snagged my phone, then pressed my finger against the screen to unlock it. He text someone and stared at the screen. As soon as a ping came back with an answer, he closed the screen and put it in his pocket.

“Let’s head up, big guy.” Getting up off the floor, he stood over me. “Can’t lift you up. Bear is coming to help.” I could hear Bear walking down the hall.

“Eddie, what the fuck, man? How much did you drink?” Nope, Bear wasn’t allowed to be annoyed with me.

“Nuff to not hurt cuz I lost my mate. It hurt Nate, it hurt real bad, man.” I wrapped my arms around Bear’s neck and tried to pull him into a hug.

“Goddess, Eddie, you’re piss drunk man. Been a long time since I’ve seen you like this.” Slowly shaking his head, he pulled my arms from around him and wrapped an arm around my chest to hold me up. “Think you can walk? Do I need to get the guys to help carry you?”

“I can walk. Feo coming?” I looked around, trying to find my mate.

“I’m here, alpha, right behind you.” I loved his voice. It was like the prettiest song in my head. “Bear, is he gonna remember this?”

Bear huffed a laugh. “Yeah, Theo, he’s gonna remember it all. Eddie’s never been able to get blackout drunk, no matter how hard he tried. Not even when…” He let the unspoken words hang in the air for a moment.

“I know about it. He told me everything. Let’s just get him to bed. I need to hold him.” Nodding his head once to acknowledge what neither one of them needed to say. “I’ll walk behind and help with balance.”

My brain was going in so many directions at once. I know it wasn’t just the alcohol that had my thoughts turn to mush but drunk me would never admit fear or defeat. Trying to change the subject, I blurted something about Theo checking out my ass and Bear answered it was a nice ass. Wait… who’s ass? Mine or Theo’s?

I’m pretty sure I was passed out before we got to my rooms. I don’t remember getting into bed.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Before I even openedmy eyes, every sound in my room seemed amplified. I could hear the wind from the ceiling fan and birds from outside the closed window. Loudest of all was the deep rhythmic breathing. The tightness in my chest loosened because I knew it wasn’t coming from me. It was my mate. I recognized the slight wheeze with every inhale and tiny shuddered exhale. He stayed with me. I lay beside him without moving so I could savor the quiet moment.

Before long, I noticed his breathing changed. “I know you’re awake, Eddie. How do you feel?” his voice was muffled by the pillow.

“OK, I feel OK.?” I ran my hand over his hip.

“You drank a lot last night. Want some coffee or some juice?” his slight body rolled into my side.

“Yeah. I’ll get it though. I need to brush my teeth. My mouth tastes like ass.” I lay still without opening my eyes. Bear was right. I never blacked out or forgot anything when I drank. Forthe life of me, I didn’t remember getting into bed last night. “How did we get into bed?”

“Bear helped get you to the bed after you passed out on the stairs. I got you undressed and covered up. I spent half the night watching you to make sure you didn’t get sick.” Regret clenched my gut. He lost sleep because of me.

“I’m sorry. Bear should have told you I’ve never gotten sick from drinking. Fuck, I should have told you.”

He brushed his hand gently along my jaw, scratching his nails through my beard. “It’s OK. He text me a few hours after we were in bed to let me know. That’s when I knew I could fall asleep. When would that conversation come up between us? It was kinda unexpected.” My breathing sped up. “Mako, please look at me. Open your eyes.”

I shook my head. “I can’t, because this might be a dream.” My voice was rougher than normal.

“A dream?” He rolled on top of me, and I could feel him looking into my face.

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