Page 94 of Cursed Confessions

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I down the rest of my whiskey in one gulp, then nod to Marco. We need to move fast. Because one thing’s for certain—I’m not giving Gino a goddamn thing.

Not my businesses, and definitely not Fee.

It’s time to end this, once and for all.

I bargeinto the art gallery, the door slamming behind me. The sharp sound echoes through the space, causing Genesis to whirl around, her eyes flashing with anger.

“What the fuck, Angelo?” she snarls. “You can’t just storm in here like you own the place! I have clients, you inconsiderate?—”

She stops short, the fury in her eyes shifting to concern as she takes in my expression. “What’s wrong?”

I quickly fill her in on Gino’s threats, my voice tight with barely controlled rage. With each word, Genesis’ face darkens, her hands clenching into fists at her sides.

Finally, she explodes. “That cock-sucking, shit-eating, motherfucking bastard!” she snarls, her voice rising with each word. “I’ll rip his fucking balls off and feed them to him! I’ll shove my foot so far up his ass, he’ll taste leather for a week!”

Even Marco’s eyebrows raise at her colorful tirade. I’ve known Genesis for years, but I’ve rarely seen her this angry.

Genesis paces the room, her movements sharp and agitated. She knocks over a paintbrush holder, sending brushes clattering across the floor. She doesn’t seem to notice.

“How dare he?” she fumes. “Perfezione is a godsend in this city. And Fee is the sweetest angel. He thinks he can just waltz in and take it all? He thinks he can take Fucina? Fucina ismine!”

I watch her, feeling a mix of gratitude for her loyalty and a grim satisfaction at her rage. It matches the inferno burning in my own chest.

Finally, Genesis takes a deep breath, visibly trying to calm herself. She turns to me, her eyes hard with determination. “How can I help?”

I meet her gaze, my voice steady. “I was hoping you’d say that. I need you to craft some documents. Bill of sale, city permits, the works. They need to be good enough to convince Gino that they’re authentic.”

She nods, already moving toward her computer. The click of her keyboard fills the room as she starts working. “And then?” she asks, not looking up from the screen.

“Then I get Gino to a meeting place to hand over the documents. And that’s where it ends.”

Genesis’ fingers pause over her keyboard. She looks at me, understanding dawning in her eyes. “You’re going to kill him.”

It’s not a question, but I nod anyway. “It’s the only way this ends.”

Her dark eyes meet mine. “La Familia won’t like this.”

I shrug. “I don’t give a fuck.”

The room falls silent, the weight of what we’re planning hanging heavily in the air. I can see Genesis processing, her brilliant mind no doubt running through all the potential outcomes.

Finally, she nods. “Alright. Give me a few days. I’ll have everything you need.”

As Genesis gets back to work, her fingers flying over the keyboard, I feel a weight lift from my shoulders. This ends now. Gino Timpone has no idea what’s coming for him.

I look around the gallery, at the beautiful artwork adorning the walls. It’s a stark contrast to the violence we’re planning.

But that’s our world—beauty and brutality, side by side.

Marco catches my eye, giving me a subtle nod. He’s with me, whatever happens next.

I turn back to Genesis, watching her work. My mind is already racing ahead, planning the next steps. Because one thing’s for certain—I’m not letting Gino threaten my family ever again.

This ends now. And God help anyone who stands in my way.



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