Page 50 of Cursed Confessions

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Fee blushes.

“We never got to finish our discussion about the counterfeit money,” I retort. “I have an idea, but I want your opinion.”

“Wait, what do you mean, counterfeit money?” Fee blurts out, her face whitening.

I outline my plan—print $10,000 in counterfeit bills, use that to buy stolen goods, then sell those for real cash. It’s risky, but it could get us the money fast.

To my surprise, Fee shakes her head. “I appreciate the thought, Angelo, but I can’t do that. I don’t want to rip anyone off, even to pay Gino.”

Genesis raises an eyebrow. “Girl’s got principles. How refreshing in this world. I like her, Angelo. She could teach Romero a thing or two.”

Fee bites her lip, thinking, “But you’ve given me an idea. What if we host a party when Perfezione reopens? Invite all my wealthiest clients and potential customers. We could have an auction, ask them to donate items. I could offer free services in exchange for their donations.”

I consider this. It’s less risky, more legal, and plays to Fee’s strengths. “That could work. We’d need to make it a can’t-miss event.”

Genesis nods enthusiastically. “I like it. It’s classy, it's smart, and it keeps your hands clean. Well, cleaner,” she adds with a smirk in my direction. She leans over. “What do you think, Marco?”

Marco gives a thumbs-up.

Fee’s eyes light up. “We could theme it around rebuilding, new beginnings. Play up the community angle. These people love feeling like they’re doing good while they spend money.”

I find myself grinning. This is the Fee I know—resourceful, determined, brilliant. “Count me in. I’ll donate one of my classic cars to the auction.”

Genesis’ jaw drops while Fee looks startled. “Damn, Pirelli. Those cars are your babies.”

I take Fee’s hand, squeezing it gently. “You and Lou are more important than any car.”

Genesis makes a gagging noise. “Ugh, you two are disgustingly cute. But I’m in too. I’ll donate some art pieces. My stuff’s getting pretty popular these days.”

Holy shit. This plan might just work. And more than that, seeing Fee come alive with excitement, I’m reminded of why I fell for her in the first place.

Whatever happens with Gino, with Jonah, we’ll face it together. And looking at Fee now, her eyes shining with determination, I know we’ll come out on top.

Because that’s what Pirellis do. And whether she knows it yet or not, Sofia Saldano is definitely a Pirelli now.



Ilean back on Angelo’s plush leather couch, my mind reeling from the events of the day. The image of James being stabbed flashes through my mind, and I shudder. But then I think about the auction plan, and a small flame of hope flickers in my chest.

“Angelo,” I say, turning to him, “what do you think about using any leftover money from the auction to donate to James’s family?”

Angelo looks up, his dark eyes narrowing. “Who is James?”

“The insurance agent. The one Jonah killed,” I manage to say as flashes of Jonah stabbing James fly through my mind. James may have been an inappropriate asshole, but he didn’t deserve to die.

Angelo’s eyes soften as he leans in to kiss me gently. “That’s an excellent idea, Fee. It’s thoughtful and will generate even more goodwill.”

As we settle in to discuss the details, I feel a sense of purpose returning. “Okay, so we need to make a list of potential donors and attendees,” I begin.

Angelo nods, pulling out a notebook. “Right. I can reach out to some of my business associates. They’re always looking for good PR opportunities.”

“And I’ll contact my high-end clients,” I add. “Maybe we could offer exclusive fittings or custom pieces as incentives?”

We’re deep in planning mode when the front door opens. Romero walks in, followed by Lou. My heart drops when I see the black eye blooming on my daughter’s face.

“Lucille!” I gasp, rushing to her. “What happened?”

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