Page 42 of Cursed Confessions

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Victor’s gravelly voice comes through the speaker. “What kind of dirt are we looking for, Boss?”

“Anything and everything. This guy’s bad news, and I don’t want him anywhere near Sofia or Lou Saldano.”

“Consider it done,” Victor replies before hanging up.

I take my time getting back to the brownstone, weaving through side streets and random alleys, cutting through traffic in unpredictable patterns. Fee watches me curiously as I navigate.

“We’re taking the scenic route,” I explain. “Just in case Jonah decided to follow us.”

When we finally arrive at my place, satisfied that we’ve lost any potential tail, we head inside. As we enter the living room, an unexpected scene greets us.

Romero and Zip are seated at the coffee table, playing cards with Lou. But it’s Lou who’s holding court, a pile of poker chips stacked neatly in front of her.

“Full house!” Lou declares triumphantly, laying down her cards.

Romero throws his hands up in exasperation. “What the fuck! That’s the third time in a row. You’ve gotta be cheating, kid!”

Zip chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Now, now, Romero. Don’t be a sore loser. I taught my great-granddaughter well, that’s all.”

“Well?” Romero splutters, his face red and blotchy. “She’s fuckin’ cleaning me out! I’m telling you, she’s got cards up her sleeve or something.”

Lou grins innocently. “Maybe you’re just not very good at poker, Mr. Romero.”

I can’t help but laugh at the scene—Romero, my tough-as-nails enforcer, being thoroughly trounced by a nine-year-old girl. Fee joins in, her earlier distress momentarily forgotten.

“Alright, Lou,” Fee says, still chuckling. “I think it’s time to let Mr. Romero keep what’s left of his dignity. And his paycheck.”

As Lou begins to gather up her winnings, Romero leans back, shaking his head in disbelief. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or terrified,” he mutters.

Zip pats him on the shoulder. “Both are good, my friend. Both are good.”

The next morning,Zip arrives at my house to take Lou to school. As they’re getting ready to leave, Lou pipes up, “Mom, why can’t you take me?”

Fee sighs, kneeling down to Lou’s level. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I have to go to Perfezione to talk to the insurance agent.”

Zip chuckles, ruffling Lou’s hair. "What's the matter,birichina? Don’t like being seen with an old man?”

Lou looks indignant for a moment before her face lights up with an idea. She turns to me, her eyes wide and pleading. “Can you come too, Angelo? Please?”

I’m taken aback by her request, but those puppy dog eyes are hard to resist. “Well, I suppose I could?—”

“Ha!” Zip laughs. “Look at that. The great Don Pirelli, a sucker for a child’s plea.”

I shoot him a mock glare before turning to Fee. “You should have Marco go with you for protection.”

Fee shakes her head firmly. “No, I can handle it myself.”

As Lou runs off to get her backpack, Fee lowers her voice. “I’m not worried about Jonah harming me. Not now that I’ve agreed to the DNA test.”

Zip’s face suddenly loses all color. “DNA test? Fee, what were you thinking?”

Fee’s eyes flash. “I was thinking that he was stalking me, Nonno. What choice did I have?”

I step in, placing a calming hand on Zip’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Zip. My attorney’s on it. He’ll make sure Jonah gets nowhere near your girls.”

Zip doesn’t look entirely convinced, but he backs down. “Alright, but we need to be careful. This Jonah character…”

“We will be,” I assure him. “I promise.”

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