Page 38 of Cursed Confessions

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With that, he storms out of the room, leaving us in stunned silence. I look at Angelo, feeling utterly defeated.

“What now?” I whisper, my voice shaking.

Angelo’s jaw is set, his eyes hard as he watches the door Gino just exited through. After a long moment, he sighs. “I’m not sure, Fee. This is… complicated.”

His admission sends a wave of panic through me. If Angelo doesn’t know what to do, how can I possibly hope to fix this? My mind races, trying to grasp the impossible task ahead. “How can I get 4.9 million dollars in three months?” I whisper, more to myself than to Angelo.

Oh, God, Lou and I are going to be homeless. We can’t rely on Zip, and I sure ashellam not going to ask my mother if we can stay with her.

Angelo turns to Marco. “Drive us to the car shop,” he instructs.

“The car shop?” I ask weakly. “What will that do?”

Angelo’s expression softens as he looks at me. “We’re going to take a drive, clear our heads. Maybe it’ll help us calm down and think more clearly.”

I nod, not sure what else to do. As we follow Marco out of Kings, I feel numb. The weight of Gino’s threats, the enormity of the sum he’s demanding, it all feels too much to bear.

As we climb into the car, I catch Angelo’s eye. He reaches over and squeezes my hand gently. “We’ll figure this out, Fee. I promise.”

I don’t know if I believe him.

Angelo guides the sleek,midnight blue 1967 Chevrolet Impala smoothly through the streets. The car purrs like a contented cat, its restored interior a perfect blend of vintage charm and modern comfort. Soft jazz plays from the speakers, a soothing counterpoint to my racing thoughts.

I watch the city lights blur past, trying to focus on the moment rather than the looming threat of Gino’s demands. Before long, we’re pulling up to a secluded spot under the Brooklyn Bridge. The Manhattan skyline glitters across the water, a breathtaking view that momentarily distracts me from my worries.

Angelo kills the engine but leaves the music playing softly. We sit in companionable silence for a few minutes, both lost in thought.

Finally, Angelo turns to me. “Fee, I think I might have a solution. It’s not perfect, but it could help.”

I face him, hope flickering in my chest. “What is it?”

“I could buy half of Perfezione. That would give you the funds to pay off Gino, and you’d still retain control of the business.”

I blink, surprised. “You’d do that?”

Angelo nods. “It would be a legitimate business transaction. You’d get the money you need, and I’d get a stake in another reputable business. Win-win.”

I consider his offer. It’s a lifeline, a way out of this impossible situation. But it would mean letting someone else into the business my family has been running.

“Would Zip and I still make all the decisions for Perfezione?” I ask cautiously.

“Absolutely,” Angelo assures me. “I’d be a silent partner. This isyourlegacy, Fee. I just want to help you protect it.”

I look out at the skyline, weighing my options. But really, what choice do I have?

I turn back to Angelo. “Okay,” I say, my voice firm despite the butterflies in my stomach. “Let’s do it. If it’ll keep Lou and me safe and save Perfezione, I’m in.”

Angelo grins, and I’m struck once again by how handsome he is. The city lights cast a soft glow on his features, highlighting the kindness in his eyes. A wave of gratitude washes over me—for his help, his support, and for simply being here with me in this moment.

Without overthinking it, I lean forward, closing the distance between us. My lips meet his in a soft, tentative kiss. For a heartbeat, the world seems to stand still. All the worries and fears that have been plaguing me fade away, replaced by the warmth of his presence.

As I pull back slightly, my heart racing, I search Angelo’s eyes. There’s surprise there, but also something else—a warmth that makes my breath catch.

“Fee,” he murmurs, his voice low and tender.

I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks, but I don’t look away. “Thank you,” I whisper. “For everything.”

Angelo reaches up, gently cupping my cheek with his hand. “You don’t need to thank me,” he says softly. “I’m here because Iwantto be. Because you’re worth it.”

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