Page 28 of Cursed Confessions

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“I think this is a sensitive topic for Sofia,” Angelo says firmly, his thumb gently stroking the back of my neck. “Maybe she can talk to you about it separately?”

Officer Ramirez’s eyes soften with understanding. “Of course,” she murmurs. “That’s more than okay.”

I nod, unable to speak, but grateful for Officer Ramirez. “Thank you,” I whisper.

She smiles gently at me before returning her attention to Lou. “What happened when you saw the man, Lou?”

Lou clings to my hand, her small voice breaking through the tension. “He was talking to one of my classmates during the fire drill at school. He… he made me feel weird. Creepy.”

I gently squeeze her hand, encouraging her to continue. “What did he say to you, Lou?”

“He told me I was pretty,” Lou says, her voice small. “He said I reminded him of his sister. He asked me if I liked candy, and then he tried to give me some. I didn’t take it, though. It didn’t feel right.”

Officer Ramirez nods encouragingly. “You did the right thing, Lou. What happened next?”

Lou’s eyes fill with tears as she remembers. “The fire drill was loud, and everyone was running around. Then, one of the first graders got really scared and ran into the street. All the teachers ran after him because he almost got hit by a car.”

My heart sinks as Lou continues, her voice trembling. “That’s when the man grabbed me. He pulled my arm and even yanked my ponytail. It hurt.”

I feel a surge of anger and fear, but I keep it in check, focusing on Lou. “What did you do, sweetheart?”

“I screamed, but no one heard me because of the noise. So I ran. I ran back home as fast as I could.” Lou straightens in her chair, a hint of pride in her voice. “He chased me, but I was faster. I got away.”

Officer Hale leans forward slightly. “How did you get inside, Lou?”

“I couldn’t,” she admits. “There was a new, weird security system. My key didn’t work. So I went around the back and climbed up the fire escape. I knew he wouldn’t catch me up there.”

Officer Ramirez smiles at her. “That was really brave, Lou. You did a great job getting away from him.”

Lou’s face relaxes a little, the praise helping to ease some of her fear. I can’t help but feel a swell of pride, too, mixed with the lingering terror of what could have happened. But for now, I’m just grateful she’s safe.

Angelo’s face is a mask of controlled fury as he listens, his eyes darkening with every detail. “We’ll find him,” he saysquietly, more to himself than anyone else. “He won’t get another chance.”

Shawn rushes forward, her voice light and cheerful. “Hey, Lou! I want to show you something cool on my phone. I’ve got some new designs, and I really need your opinion. You’re the best at picking out the prettiest ones.”

Lou’s eyes brighten with curiosity, and she looks up at the police officers. “Can I go with Shawn?”

Officer Ramirez smiles kindly. “Of course, Lou. Thank you for being so brave and telling us what happened.”

Lou nods, then eagerly follows Shawn to the other side of the room, where they huddle together over Shawn’s phone. The tension in the room eases slightly as Lou becomes engrossed in the images, her earlier fear replaced by excitement.

Once Lou is occupied, Officer Hale’s expression turns serious. “Ms. Saldano, we need to know more about this man. Anything you can tell us will help.”

I take a deep breath, my chest tightening as I prepare to share the truth I’ve only told a few people. “Jonah… Jonah is Lou’s father.” The words come out in a whisper, the weight of them heavy in the air. “But he doesn’t have custody. He’s not even on her birth certificate.”

Officer Hale raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised, but he remains silent, waiting for me to continue. Angelo’s hand finds mine, his fingers warm and reassuring as they wrap around my trembling ones. He doesn’t say anything, but his presence alone gives me the strength to keep going.

“I met Jonah when I was a teenager,” I say, my voice shaking slightly. “He… he assaulted me. That’s how Lou was conceived.”

A heavy silence falls over the room. I can feel the officers’ eyes on me, their expressions a mix of shock and concern. Angelo’s grip on my hand tightens, and he steps closer, his otherhand resting on my shoulder. The warmth of his touch seeps into me, a steadying force that keeps me from falling apart.

“Lou doesn’t know,” I continue, my voice barely above a whisper. “She doesn’t know he’s her father, and I plan to keep it that way. Jonah… I’ve kept him out of our lives for years, but now… now he’s back, and he wants to take Lou from me.”

Officer Ramirez nods, his expression sympathetic but professional. “Thank you for telling us, Ms. Saldano. We’ll do everything we can to ensure your safety and Lou’s.”

I nod, grateful but still terrified. Angelo’s hand squeezes mine again, and I lean into his comforting presence, drawing strength from him. His thumb gently strokes the back of my hand, a small but powerful gesture that helps keep the tears at bay.

The officers finish taking my statement, asking a few more questions before they prepare to leave. As they walk toward the door, Officer Hale turns back to me. “We’ll make sure he doesn’t get near you or Lou again. You have our word.”

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