Page 27 of Cursed Confessions

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His words send a chill down my spine. I know how protective Zip can be, and I don’t want him to do something he’ll regret.But I also know there’s no stopping him when he’s like this—all five foot five of pure determination and righteous anger.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I quickly answer. It’s the police, letting me know they’re downstairs. “Thank you. We’ll bring you up,” I say, ending the call. I turn to Angelo. “The police are downstairs. Can you go get them?”

Angelo nods, giving me a reassuring look before heading out the door. It doesn’t take long before he returns with two police officers in tow.

The first is a tall, muscular man with close-cropped brown hair and a serious expression. His uniform is crisp, and his eyes are sharp, taking in every detail as he steps into the room. The second officer is a woman, shorter but no less imposing, with dark, curly hair pulled back into a tight bun and a focused look in her brown eyes. They both radiate a calm authority that instantly makes me feel a little more at ease.

“We found Lou safe in the house,” I tell them, my voice trembling slightly as I squeeze Lou's hand.

The taller officer, whose name badge readsOfficer Hale, nods, a look of relief softening his stern features. “That’s good to hear. We were worried when we got the call.”

His partner, Officer Ramirez, steps forward, her voice gentle. “May we speak with Lou for a moment? Just to understand what happened?”

I glance at Lou, who looks up at me with wide eyes. “Is that okay, baby? These officers just want to make sure you’re safe.”

Lou nods hesitantly, and I guide her to a chair, sitting beside her and holding her hand for support. I can feel the slight tremor in her fingers, and I give her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’m right here, Lou. You’re so brave.”

The officers pull up a couple of chairs, positioning themselves so they’re not too close, giving Lou space. It’s clear they’re trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

Officer Ramirez speaks softly, her tone calm and patient. “Lou, can you tell us what happened today? We just want to make sure nothing like this happens again. Did you see someone who scared you?”

Lou glances at me for reassurance before she starts speaking. “There was a man. He was tall, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was… he was creepy.”

My heart clenches at the mention of Jonah, but I keep my face neutral for Lou’s sake.

“Have you ever seen this man before?” Officer Hale asks, writing things down in his notebook.

Lou shakes her head vigorously, but I hesitate. I don’t want to bring up Jonah’s name in front of Lou, but I also want to be honest with the police.

“Sofia?” Zip asks, his dark eyes probing mine.

I sigh, squeezing Lou’s hand. “I have,” I admit.

Heads swivel toward me, and I cringe at the sudden attention.

“Ms. Saldano?” Officer Ramirez asks. “Do you know who he is?”

Angelo slowly steps toward me and places a comforting hand on my shoulder, giving me strength. Zip watches our every movement, his bushy eyebrows rising in surprise.

“I had an interaction with him recently,” I begin, addressing the officers. “This morning, actually.”

“What happened?” Officer Hale asks.

I take in a deep breath, drawing on Angelo’s presence. “He saw me walking Lou to school, and after I dropped her off, he… accosted me. I haven’t seen him in years. I… I didn’t think he would show up here…”

Officer Hale raises an eyebrow, his interest clearly piqued. “Can you tell us more about him, ma’am?”

I nod, my heart racing as I recount the encounter. “Jonah… we knew each other briefly when we were young.”

“Why would he be interested in Lou if you haven’t seen each other in years?” Officer Hale asks.

My heart beats faster. I can’t let Lou know who her father is. Ican’t.

“I…” My words die in my throat as my breathing increases. Why couldn’t Jonah have just left usalone? He abandoned me after he raped me and left me pregnant with his child. Lou and I were just doingfinewithout him. Lou hasn’t missed out on anything with not having her father in her life. Zip has done a damn good job of providing Lou with a male figure.

“Ms. Saldano?” Officer Hale asks again, looking at me with concern.

But I’m too lost in my thoughts to pay him any attention. The only reason Jonah wants Lou is because he and his wife can’t have children. Does he think that he can take Lou from me and play happy family with his wife? Over my dead body. He’llnevertake Lou from me. She’smine.

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