Page 20 of Cursed Confessions

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“It’s none of your damn business!” I shout, my voice echoing in the quiet morning street.

His eyes narrow, and a dangerous glint appears in them. “I got a good look at her face,” he says slowly, his voice low. “She looks just like my sister.”

My heart pounds in my ears. I can’t breathe. He’s connecting the dots, and the realization is terrifying. “No,” I whisper, my voice barely a sound.

“Is she mine?” he demands, his grip tightening on my arm.

I shake my head violently, my denial as desperate as it is futile. “No,” I repeat, my voice trembling.

He doesn’t believe me. His eyes bore into mine, searching for a lie. I feel exposed, raw, like a wounded animal. I want to run, to hide. But I’m rooted to the spot, paralyzed by fear.

My body is on high alert, every nerve ending screaming at me to run. This is the same man who stole my innocence, my safety.And now, he’s standing here, inches from me, acting like this is a normal conversation. I try to keep my voice steady, to sound rational, but my mind is a chaotic storm.

“Even if she was yours, you raped me to get me pregnant,” I manage to say, my voice trembling. “You don’t remember it that way?”

He looks confused, then a flicker of something dark crosses his face. “What are you talking about?”

I want to hit him, to make him feel the pain he caused me. But I know I can’t. I have to stay calm, to protect Lou. “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” I say, my voice rising. “Yourapedme.”

Jonah’s mouth drops open. “Rape?” he hisses. “I didn’t rape you. You clearly enjoyed sex with me.”

“I was drunk out of my mind and fifteen years old!” I snap back, heart pounding. “I screamed at you to let me go—to let me go home. I screamed for someone tohelpme. How was that consent, Jonah?”

The bastard shrugs—he actuallyshrugs. “We’ll have to agree to disagree. It was a long time ago. Your memory is probably fuzzy, but you wanted me, Sofia. Now, about our daughter?—”

“My daughter,” I hiss. I want to hit him, to make him feel the pain he caused me. But I know I can’t. I have to stay calm, to protect Lou.

He ignores that. “I want a DNA test.”

“You’re out of your mind,” I gasp, my heart about to beat out of my body. “We’re strangers. You need to leave me alone.”

I try to step back, but he’s blocking my way. His eyes are locked on mine, and I feel a surge of panic. I need to get away from him.

“It’s such a blessing that I found you,” Jonah says lightly, although his eyes are anything but polite. “My wife and I are getting divorced. We both want children but have never beenable to have any. And to find out that I have a daughter this whole time? I can finally be a father.”

“You’ll never be her father!” I cry out.

He reaches out and touches my arm. My body reacts before my mind can process. I scream, my voice a shrill cry that echoes in the morning air. I swing my fist, connecting with his jaw. He stumbles back, surprised, emitting a cry of pain. I take advantage of the moment and run, my legs pumping as fast as they can.

I hear him shout my name, but I refuse to look back. I run faster and faster. My legs are burning, my lungs screaming.

A dark alley appears, a beacon of desperate hope. I dive in, heart hammering against my ribs. The brick wall is cold against my back as I slide down, my knees crumpling beneath me. Tears stream down my face, blurring my vision. My breath comes in ragged gasps, each one a sob.

What am I supposed to do now? Jonah was never supposed to find me and Lou. New York City is home to millions of people. How did he manage to finally run into me?

This isn’t the end of Jonah. He wants a DNA test. He wants to be Lou’s father.

Oh, God, what if he takes her away from me?

A wave of terror washes over me, threatening to drown me. What am I going to do?

Suddenly, my phone buzzes and I gulp in a deep breath. Fishing my phone out of my purse, I look to see that I’ve received a text from Shawn.

Hey girl! I just got seated at the restaurant. Can’t wait to see you!

Oh, shit. Shit. Shit.Shit. I forgotallabout my brunch date with my best friend, Shawn. Where the fuck were we meeting again?

Hands trembling, I scroll up in our texts until I spot our discussion about brunch. It looks like we agreed on a restaurant nearby Perfezione and Lou’s school, so thankfully, it’s only a few minutes’ walk away.

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