Page 109 of Cursed Confessions

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But then I hear it. A gunshot, deafening in the sudden quiet. Gino’s body stiffens, his grip loosening. His one good eye widens in shock as he topples sideways.

And there, standing behind him, is Fee. She’s holding a gun in her shaking hands, her face a mixture of fury and determination. Blood and soot streak her cheeks, her dark hair wild. She’s the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

As the darkness finally claims me, my last thought is that she looks like an avenging angel, come to earth to deliver justice.

Then everything goes black.

Beep.Beep. Beep.

I’m sitting across from my father in our favorite deli, just like we used to. He looks exactly as I remember—salt and pepper hair neatly combed, kind brown eyes crinkling at the corners, his ever-present gold watch glinting on his wrist. He’s talking animatedly, gesturing with his hands the way he always did when he was excited about something.

But I can’t hear him. That damn beeping is drowning out his words.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Dad laughs at something, throwing his head back. It’s a sound I’ve missed so much, but it’s muffled, distant. Frustration builds in me. I want to hear him, to understand what he’s saying.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The noise is driving me fucking insane. I’m about to scream when suddenly, Dad leans forward, his eyes meeting mine. For the first time, I hear him clearly.

“I’m proud of you, Son.”

My eyes snap open. The deli is gone, replaced by stark white walls and the antiseptic smell of a hospital room. Wires and tubes snake from my body to various machines, including the one responsible for that infernal beeping.

Panic sets in. I try to sit up, to rip out the wires, but a gentle hand stops me.

“Angelo, no. It’s okay. You’re safe.”

Fee’s face comes into focus. She looks exhausted, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy. It’s clear she’s been crying. But as our eyes meet, relief washes over her features.

“Thank God you’re awake,” she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. “I thought… I was afraid…”

She can’t finish the sentence, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. I want to comfort her, to tell her everything’s alright, but my throat is dry, my voice refusing to cooperate.

Instead, I squeeze her hand weakly, hoping she understands. From the way she smiles through her tears, I think she does.

Memories come rushing back. The gunfight. Gino. Fee standing there with a gun…

The beeping that annoyed me in my dream now serves as a reassuring reminder. I’malive. Wesurvived.

“How long…?” I manage to croak out, my throat dry and raw.

Fee’s hand tightens around mine. “Two days. You’ve been out for two days. I’ve been here the whole time.”

I try to nod, but even that small movement sends pain shooting through my body. “Lou? The boys?”

Fee’s eyes soften. “Lou’s physically fine. She’s with Shawn now. I… I’ll need to find her a good trauma therapist, but she’s safe. Jimbo, Romero, and Marco are okay too. Banged up, butnothing serious.” Her voice breaks. “You… you got the worst of it, Angelo.”

I can see the tears welling up in her eyes. “I was so angry at you,” she whispers. “For manipulating me with that fake text from Edie. But then… then I thought you were going to die and I…” She chokes back a sob. “Goddammit, Angelo. You stupid, reckless, fuckinginfuriatingman. Don’t you ever do that to me again, you hear me?”

Despite the pain, I can’t help but smile. “I deserve that,” I rasp. “But I won’t apologize. It was to keep you safe.”

Fee shakes her head, but I can see the ghost of a smile on her lips. “Stubborn, as always.”

A thought occurs to me, and I tense. “Gino?”

Fee’s expression hardens. “Disposed of. Genesis took care of it. She even set fire to his car to cover our tracks. The Pirellis can’t be linked to any of it.”

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