Page 104 of Cursed Confessions

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The interior is in the early stages of renovation. Plastic sheets cover what remains of the old fixtures. The walls are stripped bare, exposing the bones of the building. Piles of construction materials—wood, drywall, paint cans—are scattered around.

I run my hand along a partially rebuilt counter, sawdust coating my fingers. The air smells of fresh paint and wood shavings, a far cry from the comforting scents of fabric and leather I’m used to.

In one corner, I can see where Edie started working on the new display area. It’s just a frame now, but I can almost imagine how it will look when it’s finished.

As I wander through the space, memories flood back. Lou taking her first steps right where that pile of lumber now sits. Zip teaching me how to use his old shears at what used to be the cutting table. The countless fittings, the laughter, the sense of community we built here.

But darker memories intrude. Jonah and James’s bodies on the floor. The terror I felt when Gino threatened us. The weight of the secret I now carry, both figuratively and literally, as my hand unconsciously moves to my still-flat stomach.

I lean against a half-finished wall, suddenly overwhelmed. Is this even worth fighting for anymore? So much has happened, so much pain and fear centered in this place. I killed a man here. Too many people have died because of this shop.

But then I remember the good times. The pride on a client’s face when they saw themselves in a perfectly fitted suit. The joy of creating something beautiful with my own hands. The sense of carrying on Zip’s legacy. Helping those who are down on their luck.

I’m torn, caught between the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future. Part of me wants to walk away, to start fresh somewhere new, somewhere without all this baggage.

Maybe I could sell Perfezione, use the money to start fresh somewhere new with Lou. Somewhere far from all this danger and drama.

But as quickly as the thought comes, I dismiss it. Gino would know if I tried to sell. He’d make my life hell, especially if the Timpones technically own the property. No, selling isn’t an option.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. There’s the money in the safe, enough to get Lou and me out of here. We could disappear, start over somewhere Gino can’t find us.

But what about Zip? I’d be leaving him high and dry. Then again, with Cher suddenly playing the caring daughter… maybe he’d understand. Maybe he’d want us to be safe, even if it meant leaving him behind.

And Lou… she’d be upset, sure, and God knows she’s been pissed enough at me recently. But she’s tough. Resilient. She’d adapt to a new place, make new friends. Change can be good, right?

I place a hand on my stomach again, thinking of the new life growing inside me. Don’t I owe it to this baby to give it the best, safest start possible?

But as I look around the shop, at the bones of what we’re re-building here, I feel a pang of regret. This place has been my home, my livelihood, for so long. Can I really walk away from it all?

The weight of the decision presses down on me. Stay and fight for what we’ve built, risking everything in the process? Or run, start fresh, but leave behind everything and everyone we love?

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. Whatever I decide, I know one thing for certain. I need to talk to Angelo. He deserves to know about the baby, and maybe… maybe together, we can figure out what to do next.

This is too much for me right now. I’m too tired and nauseous to make any decisions. I forgot how fucking awful the first trimester can be.

Sighing, I start to get ready to leave when I hear the bell chime. My heart leaps into my throat. No one else should be here.

I look up, and my blood runs cold. Gino stands in the doorway, a cruel smile playing on his lips. He looks immaculate in his tailored suit, but his eyes are cold and predatory.

“Well, well,” he drawls, stepping inside. “If it isn’t thelovelySofia. How fitting to find you here.”

I back away, my hand instinctively moving to protect my stomach. “Gino, what are you doing here?”

He chuckles, a sound that sends shivers down my spine. "Just checking on my property. You know, the scene of the crime. Tell me, Sofia, do you still see Jonah’s face when you close your eyes?”

My breath catches.

“I don’t know what you're talking about,” I manage to say, my voice shaking.

Gino's smile widens. “Oh, I think you do. You’ve been averynaughty girl, Sofia. And now it’s time to face the consequences.”

I glance around frantically, looking for an escape route. The half-finished renovations that had seemed so promising just moments ago now feel like a trap closing in around me.

“Stay away from me,” I warn, trying to inject strength into my voice. But even to my own ears, it sounds weak and frightened.

Gino takes another step forward, his eyes never leaving mine. “You know, I’ve always admired your spirit, Sofia. So similar to your mother’s. It’s no wonder my father fell for her. But it’s a shame you chose the wrong side in this little war of ours.”

I edge toward the back of the shop, hoping to make it to the rear exit. “There are no sides, Gino. I just want to be left alone.”

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