Page 37 of Tracking Hearts

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“You aren’t going to lose your job. I won’t let that happen. Patrick and I already agreed that you don’t need to go to the meeting with DS.”

Sabrina shook her head in denial. “I can’t be the one to ruin the company your family built.”

“You aren’t. It wasn’t you who leaked those documents.” His gaze bore into her as he tried to telepathically convince her that she was wrong about this. She needed to be here. He needed her to be here. With him. She was so much more than just his best friend. How could she expect him to just let her go?

More tears trailed down her cheeks as they stood, foreheads pressed together. Energy built around them as electricity crackled through their skin where they touched each other.

Sabrina’s hand came up to cup his cheek, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw with aching tenderness. Without thinking, Freddy leaned into her touch, his own hand moving to tangle in the dark waves of her hair.

Their faces were inches apart, close enough that he could feel the whisper of her breath mingling with his. Sabrina’s lips parted slightly, and the sight of her like that, so open and vulnerable, ignited something within him. Before he could second-guess himself, Freddy closed the distance, capturing her mouth in a kiss that was as much a question as it was a declaration.

He didn’t freeze like their first kiss, but it wasn’t a frenzy like it had been the night before, either. Freddy let himself feel every sensation - the softness of Sabrina’s lips, the sweetness of her taste, the gentle pressure as she kissed him back with a fervor that matched his own. It was a slow, exploratory kiss, full of unspoken promises and shared histories.

Freddy’s hand slipped beneath Sabrina’s shirt, his fingers splaying across the smooth expanse of her back. She shivered at his touch, her own hands venturing beneath the hem of his shirt to explore the contours of his chest. Each touch, each caress, felt like a revelation, the barriers between them crumbling to dust.

They broke apart only when the need for air became too great, their foreheads resting together as they both struggled to catch their breath. Freddy’s heart was racing. “I want to finish what we started.”

“Me too,” Sabrina agreed. “Even if it can only be tonight.” She was still crying, and it was ripping Freddy’s heart from his chest.

No way was he going to let her go after tonight. He’d fucking move to Nebraska with her if he had to. But now wasn’t the time for that conversation. It could wait.

Freddy slid his hand down her arm and intertwined his fingers with Sabrina’s before gripping tightly. She squeezed his hand in return. The decision was made in an instant, a silent agreementpassing between them. He reached to turn off the oven before leaving the kitchen for his bedroom, gently pulling Sabrina along with him. Dinner could wait.

In the dim light of his room, the world outside faded into insignificance. The only thing that mattered was the woman standing before him, her hazel eyes shimmering with a mixture of vulnerability and desire. Freddy reached for the hem of her shirt, his fingers brushing against the soft warmth of her skin. With each inch of exposed flesh, his heart fluttered with more excitement, the anticipation building within him.

Sabrina’s hands moved to his chest, her touch setting his nerves alight. She helped him out of his shirt, their clothing discarded in a silent dance of need and longing. Freddy drank in the sight of her, the gentle swell of her breasts, the curve of her waist, the strength in her legs. She was a marvel, a testament to the resilience and beauty he’d always known she possessed.

He led her to the bed, the back of her knees hitting the mattress as she fell back onto the soft comforter. Freddy followed her down, his body covering hers as he claimed her mouth in a searing kiss. The taste of her was intoxicating, fueling the fire that burned within him.

Sabrina’s legs parted, cradling him between her thighs as she arched against him. The friction of their bodies, even through the layers of their remaining clothes, was exquisite. Freddy rocked against her, the motion eliciting a gasp from Sabrina’s lips.

He trailed kisses down her neck, nipping at the sensitive skin before soothing it with his tongue. His hands roamed over her body, learning every curve and valley as he made his way lower. He hooked his fingers under the waistband of her pants, tugging them down her legs along with her panties.

Freddy pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh, his breath hot against her skin. Sabrina’s fingers twisted in his hair, her bodytrembling with need. He could sense her impatience, feel the urgency of her desire. It matched his own, a desperate longing that had been building for far too long.

Climbing back up her body, Freddy claimed her lips once more. He reached over to the nightstand, fumbling with the drawer before finding what he was looking for. The small foil packet was soon in his hands, the task of sheathing himself a momentary interruption in the dance of their bodies.

Freddy positioned himself at her entrance, the tip of his erection pressing against her wetness. Sabrina’s eyes locked onto his, her gaze filled with trust and a raw, unfiltered need that took his breath away.

With a single, fluid movement, he pushed inside her, filling her completely. The sensation was overwhelming, a rush of pleasure that stole the breath from his lungs. Sabrina’s body wrapped around him like a glove, her inner walls pulsating with the rhythm of their joining.

He began to move, each thrust a testament to the connection they shared. Sabrina met him stroke for stroke, her hips rising to meet his as they found their rhythm together. The world outside could have crumbled to dust, and Freddy wouldn’t have noticed. All that mattered was the woman beneath him, the way her body responded to his touch, the sounds of their pleasure mingling together in the quiet of his room.

As they climbed higher, the sensations building to a fever pitch, Freddy knew that he’d reached a turning point in his life. This wasn’t just another encounter, another fleeting moment of passion. This was the beginning of something new, something real.

With a final, desperate thrust, Freddy felt himself tumble over the edge, Sabrina’s cries of pleasure echoing in his ears as they both reached their climax. For a moment, the world wasperfect, their bodies slick with sweat and their hearts pounding in unison.

Freddy collapsed onto the bed beside Sabrina, their bodies still intimately connected. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they both struggled to catch their breath. For the first time in a long time, Freddy felt complete. He had someone to share everything with. Now he just had to figure out how to keep her.

Chapter 20: Sabrina

Sabrina stirred, her eyes fluttering open in the soft light of dawn. For a moment, she basked in the warmth of Freddy’s body next to hers, his arm draped across her waist. They’d made their pizza after the sun had set and enjoyed it naked before returning to the bedroom for a second round. It was so much better than she could have imagined.

She turned her head, drinking in the sight of Freddy’s peaceful face as he slept. Her heart ached with longing, wishing this could be real, wishing she could wake up beside him every morning. But reality crashed down hard and fast.

This couldn’t happen again. She’d gotten the night of her dreams and now she needed to return to her responsibilities. Sabrina wasn’t sure if it would be better to quit TI or let Patrick fire her, but either way, her leaving would allow them to keep going. Moving back to Nebraska would allow Ma to keep going, too. And Freddy? He was a Taylor. He belonged to a world Sabrina could never truly be part of.

She eased herself out from under Freddy’s arm, careful not to wake him. She gathered her clothes, scattered across his bedroom floor, and dressed quickly and silently. As she pulled her shirt over her head, she cast one last glance at Freddy’s sleeping form.

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