Page 56 of War Mistress

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“Then say it,” I reply. The sooner she says what she needs to say, the sooner I can leave. Being here with her is like that sweetest kind of torture. And while I may not break under pain, I am certain that if I spend too much time in her presence, it will not be long before I break my vow to her. She makes me feel weak against her.

She shocks me with what she says. “I am falling in love with you, Verrick ka Rocknir.”

What? My ears must be deceiving me. When I say nothing back, out of surprise, she continues, “That is what you said to me those many days past, is it not? Well, now it is true for me as it was for you. Or rather, Iamin love with you. I have had a full week to think on it and I am sure now. Well, as sure as I can be. I still have my old fears and doubts but, I will face them to tell you that I love you, too.”

She suddenly looks wary. “Or at least I hope it is ‘too.’ Unless . . . you’ve changed your mind?”

Changed my mind?Changed my mind? I can barely keep myself from rushing to the woman and prostrating myself on bended knee, I am so happy. But my wariness holds me back. “But before, you said . . .”

“I know what I said,” interrupts Pellia. “I was confused. Frightened! The only other person who had ever told me that he loved me before was Yorian. And when you said you wanted toClaim me . . . when you said it . . . it opened old wounds. But I am trying to move past them, to not let Yorian control my future as he did my past. But I must know . . . do you still want me, or am I too late?”

In a moment, I traverse the few feet between us, and Pellia is in my arms.Where she belongs.My Mating Instinct purrs in approval. She melts in my embrace and I say, “I want you Pellia. I want everything about you. And if you need a champion, give me these demons that plague you, that I may slay them.”

Pellia laughs lightly and looks up from the protection of my arms and teases, “Does this mean that you’ll kiss me now? Or will you make me beg? I know how you like that.”

I groan slightly and fall in her, my lips finding hers in a bruising kiss. I pour all my hope and joy into her, as well as my relief and a little of the fear that I have been living with. She responds in kind, meeting me with nip for nip and stroke for stroke, her passion as bruising as my own. And I welcome it, all of it, wanting her to leave her mark on my body. I even welcome her little bites that she gives me, as the pinpricks of pain remind me that this is real and that I am not dreaming. Pellia is here. She loves me. She is willing to fight her demons for me. I am the most fortunate orc.

“You are well?’ I ask between deep kisses. “You have your strength?”

“Very well,” she responds, as some teasing nips with her lips. “Strong enough to take you in whatever way you want me.”

I groan at her seductive words. The kiss deepens still and soon I am lifting my little mate up in my arms and carry her toward the massive Council Table. I perch her on the edge and growl, “I have wanted to fuck you on this table since the first moment that I saw you sitting across it a month ago.”

“Oh, you beast, you absolutely shouldn’t.” Pellia playfully taps my shoulder, letting me know that she absolutely thinks Ishould.

“Why not?” I tease back, lowering my head to skim her throat with my nose, breathing in the heady aroma of Pellia andher natural musk, before kissing my way lightly up her sensitive skin before claiming her lips again. “Does that thought make you too wet, Regent Santir?”

Pellia laughs, a delighted sound, and reaches for my belt, saying, “Why don’t you find out, Warchief Verrick?”

With another growl, I push Pellia back onto the table, and she laughs again at my eagerness. Her legs splay wide and my hands travel up under her skirts, finding the evidence of her arousal. Without hesitation, I sink to my knees and flip up her skirts, questing my way to her center. With my first lick, she jolts and moans, encouraging my efforts. I hitch my arms around her thighs and pull her to meet my mouth more fully. Then I fuck her with my mouth in earnest. Every cry and sigh she makes just leads me to redouble my efforts. I shove my long orc‌ tongue into her willing pussy and she cries, reaching her climax faster than she ever has before. It is like her body is primed for me, ready to meet my every pleasure. I begin to thrum, pushing her climax higher, until it crests again and she orgasms a second time, her channel milking my tongue. I move back to licking her swollen clit with soft, slow movements, letting her settle down from the peak of her pleasure before speeding up again, this time taking one of my hands and adding my fingers into her cunt. I pump in relentlessly, teasing, licking, nipping, and sucking at her clit, when with a sob she comes again.

Finally, she cries out, “No more foreplay! I want you, Verrick.”

“What is it you want?” I tease, perhaps a little cruel in the face of her desperation.

“Your cock!” she replies instantly, knowing my game. She scoots her delicious-looking pussy closer to the edge of the table and says, “Please Verrick, give me your cock. I need it, please!”

“You’re right,” I say, while undoing my belt and letting my warkilt fall to the floor, “I do like your begging.”

With that, I seat myself fully in my beautiful beloved and she lets out a pleasured shriek as she comes again. I piston and roll my hips, thrumming all the while, lengthening her orgasmuntil tears are rolling down her lovely cheeks. When her orgasm is done, I thrum harder, priming her body to take me again and start pumping my hips.

She chokes and says, “Gods save me. I’d almost forgotten that your cock vibrates!”

“Then I will remind you so thoroughly that you will never forget, my mate.”

We both freeze the moment the words are out of my lips, but I will not take them back. She tenses for a moment and then, after what is probably only a few seconds but feels like eternity, she relaxes. “That’s what I am, isn’t it? I’m your mate now.”

“You were always my mate,” I respond, rolling my hips again in a circle and making her gasp. “We were just too stubborn to realize it for a while.”

“No longer,” she says, meeting my thrust and increasing the pleasure for both of us. “I’m yours and you are mine. My mate.”

The pleasure I feel at her taking ownership of me almost makes my eyes cross. “Yes, your mate. Yours.”

I pump my hips harder and faster, chasing my own climax. Pleasure shoots up my spine as I feel it take me. “I love you, Pellia! I love you!”

She orgasms with me, squeezing down hard on my cock, taking my wits with her as she climaxes. She gasps and moans and I collapse, falling on my forearms, careful not to crush the dainty human with my muscular bulk.

She kisses my forehead, so gently as she comes down, then covers my face in soft, fluttering kisses before she says, “I love you too, My Warchief. My mate. My Verrick.”

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