Page 48 of War Mistress

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So I keep smiling, even as he opens his robe, displaying his turgid member. It’s purple and bulbous in a strange way, no longer quite human, just like the rest of Antony’s body.

“Suck,” he commands, his obvious pleasure in the command cruel.

I lean closer, lowering my lids halfway to give a seductive gaze. I don’t know why I’m bothering. It’s plain that he desires my pain and discomfort more than anything. He’s using me to torture my lover before killing him and maybe even tormenting what might be left of Antony in his head.

I open my mouth and right before I can put his disgusting cock in my mouth, my left hand tightens on the sacrificial dagger that I am still holding. No one noticed it, probably underestimating me because I am female and seeing no danger from my quarter. With all the strength I possess, I stab him deep in the join between his pelvis and leg and yank, pulling the blade through his putrid cock. An unholy shriek rends the air and Lord Grazrath backhands me, sending me flying down the steps. Behind me, I hear a roar and I think it might be Verrick, but I am too befuddled to tell.

Lord Grazrath launches himself down from the throne, landing on top of me, blood pouring from his pelvis. I feel the warm wetness of the blood spill onto me and my dress.

“You stupid cunt!” seethes the demon. “I was going to let you live, as long as you served me on your knees, with your mouth and cunt and blood! But you dare attack me? Me? Lord of Pain and Misery?”

One of his hands shoots out, grasping my throat and squeezing. My hand still holds the dagger and with what little energy I have left, I slash the dagger with all my might toward his arm. But his other hand catches my wrist and squeezes, breaking the bones, and the knife falls from my limp hand. A scream tries to leave my throat, but he is squeezing too tightly. All that comes out is a weak rasp.

My vision is covered in white spots and then darkens around the edges. My last thought is,So this is how I die, killed by a demon while trying to save my lover.

Then it all goes black.

Chapter 25


My heart stops as Pellia flies through the air, landing heavily on the glowing stone floor. As she lands, I roar, pulling at my bonds, only to be yanked back by my puny captor. Cursed human. There’s no way he could control me so easily if I were not weakened by the Hex Chains surrounding me.

As it is, I am helpless as Lord Grazrath launches from his throne, flying and landing directly on the body of my beloved. His cock dangles from his body, barely held on by a thin piece of skin. Pellia has essentially castrated a demon with the power of a god. Not only that, but she seems to have severed the artery leading from the pelvis to the leg. Blood pumps from the wound, but the demon is still standing. Even in his mortal shell, he must have some access to his immortal power. He would be dying from Pellia’s blow otherwise.

“You stupid cunt!” seethes the demon. “I was going to let you live, as long as you served me on your knees, with your mouth and cunt and blood! But you dare attack me? Me? Lord of Pain and Misery?”

His hand shoots out and begins choking the life out of Pellia. The woman I love. She bucks and flails under him, her hand with the dagger coming up to slash him again, but his other hand shoots out with preternatural speed. His grip constricts and I can see her delicate bones shatter under hisattack. A horrible, pained gasp leaves her lips and then her hand falls to the ground. Her body completely slackens and her eyes roll into the back of her head, even as the skin of her face purples.

The demon laughs again. “Die, bitch, die!” Then he finally pulls his hand away from her throat and Pellia doesn’t move, still as death.

Something breaks within me. I stare at the body of the woman I have learned to love more than life itself and anguish unlike anything I’ve ever experienced tears through me.

A sound unlike anything I’ve ever made erupts from my throat. A sound of pain and loss and fury. It blends together, getting higher and louder until the screams of the surrounding cultists join in, the hooded figures clutching their heads and thrashing about in pain.

Even the unholy figure of Lord Grazrath is affected by the sound, his hands coming up to his ears even as he rears back from Pellia’s prone form. He whirls toward me and snarls, “Siren-born!”

He lunges forward, but the scream coming from my mouth just gets louder and all the windows of the chamber shatter at once, spraying glass outward. The cultists drop one by one, their screams still twined with mine, even as their strength leaves them.

It strikes me that I am death screaming, something I thought I was incapable of. But seeing Pellia killed in front of me has snapped something deep within me, accessing a well of pain that I didn’t know existed. The death scream intensifies and I feel the chains around me weaken, as if the metal itself is growing brittle at the sound.

Blood drips from the corner of Lord Grazrath’s eyes, his hands still pressed firmly on his ears. He looks at his dying followers all around him. Finally, he growls, “You’ll regret this, siren-born!” before jumping out of one of the broken windows, his huge wings snapping open and flying away into the darkness.

The screams of the hooded figures on the ground go silentone by one and I have the thought that if Pellia is, by some miracle, still alive, I may be hurting her, killing her. I try to stop screaming, but I have lost control and I have no way of mastering this power inside me. As the last of the cultists go silent, I pull mightily at the chains. They break as if made of sandstone, falling off of my upper body and arms. Finally, finally, the scream seems to die down and with great effort, I force myself silent once again.

I launch myself forward, past all the bodies on the ground, blood pouring out of their eyes from behind their masks. Uncaring at the death all around me, I fall to my knees next to Pellia’s body, my hands trembling as I reach out to her. A single tear of blood has fallen out from the corner of one of her eyes, perversely giving me hope. It means that she was still alive to be affected by my scream. I touch her neck and at first feel nothing. I press a little harder into her flesh and then feel it. A very, very faint pulse, coming from a weak but still living heart.

I have to get her out of here. She needs a healer immediately or she will fade. I can feel it. I gather her in my arms, though they are still weakened by being held in the Hex Chains for so long. But for all her curves, Pellia still feels light, a welcome burden for me to carry. I pick her up and hurry out of the ritual chamber, the runes still glowing behind me as I leave. I want to take my love out of this place of horrors and death as soon as possible.

I make my way carefully down the spiral staircase. I am getting winded just from moving, something that has never happened to me in my adult life. Never have I felt this fatigued even in the heat of long battles or after days of not sleeping on the march. But I suppose being drugged and cursed for so long has affected me greatly. None of that matters. I just need to get the precious person in my arms to safety.

After what seems like eternity, I descend to where the door is. Before, when they took me up from the dungeons, I was too weak to even try to escape through the door as they dragged me past it. Now, even tired and winded as I am, I kick up the door, watching with some satisfaction as it bursts open, the latch onthe door breaking. We appear to be in the center of a pond of some sort and brace myself to go down into the water, but as I step forward, I find I am on solid ground. An illusion then. I race forward, finding myself in a hedge maze, and yell, “FRIZA! FRIZA!”

There’s a shout in the distance, then I hear the sounds of chaos coming toward me.

I call out again, “FRIZA! BRING THE HEALER!”

There are crashing sounds, and then I see one of the hedges topple down to my left. Friza and a contingent of my orcs come running at me, axes in hand. There is no healer with them. I see that they have cut a swathe in the maze, creating a straight path out and toward the castle. I begin to run, pushing my weakened body to its limits, but I must, Imustget Pellia to help while there is still time.

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