Page 12 of War Mistress

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“You can’t stop there,” I whisper back.

“What do you mean?”

“Orcs have . . . high stamina. You cannot stop here without making me look like a laughingstock.”

“High stamina? For sex?”

“For fucking,” I confirm, still whispering. “If you want to make it look like we had sex tonight, fine. But you will have to go on longer.”

She narrows her eyes, suspicious. “How much longer?”

I shrug. “Until at least dawn.”

“Dawn?” She almost says the word aloud in her incredulity, before correcting to a whisper. “You cannot tell me that orcs fuck their partners for that long. It beggars belief!”

“Most would for longer. Once an orc starts fucking, the Mating Instinct would almost invariably take hold. It pushes us to breed. We go until every drop of our seed is gone.”

Now it is Pellia’s turn to sigh. “Well, I don’t suppose you could help me, if I am to stay up that long after riding all day?”

“I cannot,” I say solemnly.

She sighs again. “No, I suppose youwillnot. But what else did I expect? Alright. Well, I hope you can sleep through noise, because I am noisy and you are going to be hearing your name. A lot.”

I nod, not sure if she is being sarcastic or not, but I answer just in case. “I will do my best. Thank you, Regent Santir.”

“Pellia,” she grouses back. “Pellia, damn you, if I am to get no sleep tonight.”

“Pellia,” I agree. “Thank you.”

Then I beat a hasty retreat to the other side of the barrier, just in time to hear her begin again, with a sweet whimper and moan.

It’s going to be the longest, most torturous night of my life.

Yet somehow, there’s no place else I’d rather be.

Chapter 7


My eyes burn with the sandy feeling of not enough sleep as they open to the pale light of early morning. I kept my promise and pleasured myself until dawn, shouting my lungs out. My last few orgasms were hard won, tired as I was, but I wrung them out somehow. I very much doubt the rest of the camp thinks well of me. But I saved Verrick’s pride and established us as lovers.

The moment the sky began to lighten, however, I let myself fall asleep. The hubbub of the camp breaking their fast and breaking camp has awoken me scant hours later. Riding the rest of the day will be a challenge. Perhaps I can talk Verrick into letting me ride with him so that I can doze. It will further cement our ruse and let me get closer to him, all at the same time.

Perhaps I should be more self-conscious that I touched myself and made myself come while Verrick listened, but I’m not. I’m a practical sort and it needed to be done. There is perhaps a small part of me that is disappointed that Verrick didn’t join me. A small part that hoped that he would be tempted. But he remained stoic as ever, even as he told me that orcs fuck their partners all night.Thatis interesting knowledge to have, to be sure.

The thought is immediately followed by discomfort in my bladder, and I rise to relieve it. I peek around the hanging blanketand see that Verrick is already gone, no trace that he ever slept on the ground. As long as the blanket isn’t still hanging. I tug it down and toss it carelessly on the furs. There. Anyone who looked in the tent would assume that we spent a very loud night together. But he could be back any second and I very much do not wish to be caught on the chamber pot when he does. That will not help in my quest to actually seduce the surly Warchief.

Putting on a dressing gown and slipping on slippers, I exit the tent. No one is looking my way as I emerge, and I can slip into the woods without being spotted. Good. I stop behind a tree, but the idea of someone catching me in my vulnerable state stops me. Further, then. Where no one will accidentally find me.

I move through the trees until I hear the babbling of a brook and stop behind a large rock. I go to relieve myself and am just finishing when I hear a light splash.

I freeze.

What was that? I hastily finish fixing my clothes before I peek around the boulder.

What I see makes my mouth go dry. The brook burbles into a pond and the pond has a very naked orc in it; Verrick. He is washing himself, his back to me, but the water only goes up far enough to cover his thighs. Taut buttocks are clearly visible, leading to a muscular back, each rippling bulge moving in a sinuous rhythm as he washes himself. From my vantage point, I see his hands moving, and they seem to move down his front toward his cock.

I duck down into the bushes, not watching the intimate moment any longer. It would be wrong to watch him in his state of undress without his consent. Still, unbidden, my breathing speeds up and I gasp a little at the memory of all of his delicious naked skin and muscles.

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