Page 40 of Spark's Inferno

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He understands.

Of course he does.

It feels like Spark always understands me, even when I don’t understand myself.



The wind rushes past as I rocket down the highway on my Harley, the desert sun beating down on my shoulders.

Zoe’s arms wrap tightly around my waist as she leans into me, resting her chin on my shoulder.

Even over the roar of the engine, I can hear her laughter ringing in my ears.

Damn, it feels good.

Being with her like this, out on the open road with nothing but miles of asphalt ahead of us.

Things between Zoe and me have been going really well lately.

Better than I ever could’ve hoped for, if I’m honest she gets me in a way no one else does.

She sees past the ink and the leather cut to the man I am underneath.

For the first time in longer than I can remember, I actually peace.

I’m content, like everything in my fucked up life is finally clicking into place.

Zoe is a huge part of that.

I give her thigh a squeeze where my hand rests.

She responds by nuzzling her face into my neck, her lips grazing my skin and making me shiver.

My body immediately reacts to her, lust spiking through my veins.

Focus on the road, I tell myself sternly.

But it’s hard to think about anything except the gorgeous woman plastered against my back.

We ride for another twenty minutes before I turn off onto a narrow side road.

It winds through towering red rock formations until opening up into a wide, secluded canyon.

I pull the bike over near a scraggly juniper tree and kill the engine.

“This is one of my favorite spots,” I tell Zoe as we both climb off and remove our helmets. “Used to come out here a lot to get away from everything, clear my head.”

“It’s beautiful,” she says, looking around in awe at the desert landscape. “So peaceful. You know, as a lifelong Nevadian, I haven’t explored nearly as much as you have.”

“Yeah, well, we’re gonna have to change that,” I retrieve a blanket from the saddlebag and spread it out on a relatively flat patch of ground. “C’mere, Spicy.”

Zoe joins me, settling herself between my legs as I sit and wrap my arms around her.

I bury my face in her hair, inhaling deeply.

Vanilla and something floral.

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