Page 15 of Spark's Inferno

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Mandy’s her best friend, and they work together.

I don’t even know what Zoe does, but I know it’s something online.

Her mother works for a company called OneEye and from what I can remember, she made a lot of money doing it.

The realization clicks into place, and damn if it isn’t hot as fuck.

Images flash through my mind, unbidden yet tantalizing.

“Yeah, with Mandy,” she confirms, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she's gauging my reaction.

I take a step closer, so close I can almost feel the heat radiating off her body.

Her scent—something floral mixed with vanilla and intoxicating—fills my senses.

Leaning down, I bring my lips to her ear, my breath brushing against her skin.

“Let me know when you need a third,” I whisper, my voice low and charged with intent.

She doesn’t move away, just stays there for a heartbeat, letting the words hang between us like a dare.

Zoe’s breath catches, her eyes locking onto mine.

The intensity between us is palpable, a current of electricity humming in the air.

Her pupils dilate slightly, and I see the flicker of something raw and primal behind those dark depths.

Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips slowly, deliberately.

It’s a move that sends a jolt straight to my core.

My pulse quickens, each beat echoing louder in the silence that stretches between us.

I’m rooted to the spot, unable to look away from her.

She takes a step back, breaking the spell but not the connection. “I have to go,” she murmurs, her voice husky and filled with unspoken promises.

“Right,” I reply, my voice rougher than I intended. I watch as she turns on her heel, her hips swaying with each step, and heads toward the door.

“Zoe,” I call after her, my voice barely above a whisper.

She pauses for a fraction of a second, glancing over her shoulder.

Our eyes meet once more, and it’s like a silent agreement passes between us.

“Stay safe,” I add, though the words feel insufficient for what I really want to say.

She nods a small, almost imperceptible gesture, before slipping out of sight.

I stand there for a moment longer, the image of her seared into my mind.

The chaos around the clubhouse fades into the background, and all I can think about is the firestorm she’s ignited within me.

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath, running a hand through my hair.

She has no idea how much she’s driving me wild.


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