Page 14 of Spark's Inferno

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My stomach tightens at the implications.

That’s our turf, our income.

Dixon grumbles something under his breath, but I can only hear. “Why now? Why us?”

“Whoever owns it is targeting us directly,” Damon continues, eyes narrowing. “They’ve been putting their billboards right across from ours, trying to steal our business.”

“Feels deliberate,” I say, more to myself than anyone else.

It’s like they’re gunning for us specifically, and that doesn’t sit right with me.

“Yeah, it does,” Damon agrees, his jaw clenched. “Every move we make, they counter it. If we don’t deal with this fast, we’re looking at a full-blown war.”

“Got any leads on who’s behind it?” I ask, my mind already racing ahead to possible solutions.

Knowing our enemy is half the battle.

“Not yet,” Damon admits, frustration evident in his tone. “But whoever it is, they’re playing dirty. We need to figure out their next move before they make it.”

“Don’t be paranoid,” Kat interjects, crossing her arms over her chest as she steps closer. “It’s just business.”

“Just business?” I cut in before I can stop myself, my heartbeat quickening. “If it feels personal, it usually is.”

Kat’s eyes dart to me, and for a split second, I wonder if I’ve overstepped.

Damon spits out, his voice low and dangerous. “It does feel personal, but that doesn’t excuse you talkin’ to my woman like that. Know your place, prospect.”

His fingers tighten around the edge of the bar, knuckles turning white.

Kat goes up to Damon and runs her hand along his lower back, trying to soothe him a bit. “My husband is right about how you spoke to me. However, you might be right.” she concedes, her tone softer now.

The tension between them seems to ease slightly, though the room is still thick with it.

“All right, so we need a game plan,” Dixon says, his voice cutting through the room like a knife. He crosses his arms, his eyes locked on Damon. “This can’t keep going unchecked, and we need to figure out who our enemy is.”

“Agreed,” Damon says with a resigned nod. “Dixon, come into my office. We’ll figure this out.”

As they head towards Damon’s office, I notice Zoe leaving the bar area.

She moves like a sultry shadow, her long ombre hair swaying with each step.

Without thinking, I push off the wall and stride over, catching her arm gently.

“Hey,” I say, my voice low and flirtatious. “Where you headed off to?”

She stops and turns, her eyes locking onto mine with a mix of defiance and curiosity. “I don’t have to tell you where I’m going,” she replies coolly. But then her expression softens just slightly. “I’m going to see Mandy.”

“Right,” I reply, releasing her arm but not breaking eye contact.

Her resolve is clear, and it only makes me more intrigued.

There’s something magnetic about Zoe, something that pulls me in despite knowing her father will have my fucking head the first chance he can.

I keep my tone light but my curiosity sharp. “What’s on the agenda?”

Zoe’s voice is as smooth and cool as glass. “Work.”

“With Mandy?” I push, already piecing it together in my head.

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