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She presses her lips together and nods. “Basically, yes. Or…your dad learned it, anyway.” She lifts a shoulder. “And now look where we are. Thirty years later, and it’s been a pretty darn good run for us so far.”

I consider that. They’re ten years shy of Asher’s parents’ length of marriage. Where will they be in another decade?

They’re still as in love now as they ever were. I can’t imagine a future where they decide to part ways, and I don’t think Asher would’ve been able to say the same a decade ago about his own parents.

But our parents’ paths aren’t our paths. This is our story to write, and I think my mom is right.

Even though I’m a little confused and hurt that Asher told my dad without me there, I still trust that there’s some explanation as to why. And I trust that as soon as he’s able to, he’ll clue me in on what that is.

In the meantime, I’ll look for paintings with my mom that I can hang up in my baby’s bedroom.

Chapter 53: Asher Nash

A Few Hurdles

It’s late when I finally leave the Complex, and I call her from my car before I back out of my space.

“Hey,” she answers softly.

I don’t realize how nervous I am until the words come trembling out of my mouth. “Can I come over?”

I have no idea what she knows or doesn’t know, and I certainly don’t want to go home and face my dad right now after he’s the one who fucked me over. I don’t particularly want to go to Coach Dixon’s house, either, but I do need to talk to Des.

“Yes. I’ll text you the address.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m pulling into her driveway.

She’s standing at the door waiting for me, and she’s all I can see.

She’s perfect, and she’s mine.

But there are a few hurdles we’ll have to jump over if I’m going to be able to keep calling her that.

Like the hurdle pulling into the driveway behind me honking his horn.

Apparently I’m in his way.

I sigh as I back out of the driveway and park along the street, and he races past me and into his garage.

“You told him?” she hisses at me as I approach the front door. He walks in through some other entrance, and I hear him yelling her name.

“Desiree Joy!”

“I didn’t intend to. He pieced it together.”


He appears behind her. “Asher Nash? You’re kidding me, right?”

I spot the guilt in her eyes before she spins around to talk to him. “Well, now that we’re all here, I guess it’s a good as time as any to tell you that Asher’s the father.” Her voice is bright—too bright. Fake. She sets her hand on her stomach, and I stand beside her totally awkwardly as her parents stare at me.

Her dad knows me, obviously, but I haven’t really spoken with her mom. I’m not sure we’ve actually formally ever met.

“Hi,” I say stupidly. “I’m Asher.” I reach out a hand to shake hers, and to be totally transparent, I’m glad I’m wearing a Vegas Aces sweatshirt and not a silk shirt covered in T-rexes.

“I know who you are,” she says, and she pushes my hand out of the way and pulls me into a hug. “And you can call me Sue. Or Grandma, since that’ll be my next title.”

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