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He’s not wrong, though both Lincoln and I laugh at the ridiculousness of their conversation. The twins have blue eyes and dark hair like Spencer, Grayson, and me. Lincoln’s the odd man out with slightly lighter hair and darker eyes like Mom, where the rest of us have a stronger resemblance to Dad. And so do the twins.

I shake my head. I discovered my twin brothers on the same day I found out I’m going to be a father.

I still can’t believe it. Any of it.

“Want me to find a place for dinner?” Lincoln asks while we wait for the twins to come back.

He’s met with nods of agreement from the rest of us, and the twins emerge from the office with the coach a few minutes later.

Tanner clears his throat and nods toward his brother. “Miller and I—well, we both feel a little…shocked, I think. We’d love the chance to get to know our brothers, but we’re not quite ready to go public with any of this.”

“We won’t tell a soul until you’re ready,” Lincoln says.

Tanner nods. “We appreciate that.”

“I made reservations at Culinary Dropout for six. You two in?” Lincoln asks.

They glance at each other and nod at the same time.

“We’d like that,” Tanner says.

A quick beat of awkwardness follows, but good ol’ Grayson smashes it with his next question. “What’s the key to telling you two apart? Because you look exactly the same to me.”

All six of us laugh at that.

“I’ve got about three inches on Miller,” Tanner says.

“And I’m the better-looking one,” Miller adds, and it’s the first time we’ve heard him speak—a reminder to always watch out for the quiet ones.

We get another laugh out of that.

“When did you find out about this?” Tanner asks.

“Earlier today, actually,” I say. “I, uh, found out some news, told my dad, and he sort of let it slip.”

“Twenty-nine years, and this was his first slip?” Miller asks.

I glance at my brothers, and they’re nodding along with me.

“He had to know this would come out eventually,” I admit.

What other secrets has he been keeping?

We head toward the restaurant, and on the way, I text Desiree.

Me:Just wanted to update you. I met the twins, and we’re on our way to dinner with them now. I’m in Arizona. Probably spending the night here, but should be back tomorrow. You feeling okay?

Desiree:Better now that I heard from you. Be safe. I hope you get what you need out of meeting them. I’ll be here waiting for you to return.

My heart feels full as I read her words. We might still be on shaky ground, but somehow it feels like everything’s going to be okay.


I learned a hard truth today, and it’s going to change the entire dynamic of my family.

Anxiety pierces into my guts as I wonder how the news about Desiree and me is going to change the dynamic ofherfamily, too.

Chapter 47: Desiree Dixon

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