Page 73 of Second Shot

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My eyes close with each slick knuckle he slides inside me until I repeat what echoed in this shower room once already.

“Do it.”

Hayden rolls on the condom and does. He pushes the head of his dick in, if only for a single smouldering, fire-hot moment.Then he’s gone and my eyes fly open just in time to see him pour more slick in a diamond stream before?—


That word stretches out as I stretch too, and the mirror shows his eyelids fluttering closed behind me. It also shows me the crumpling and creasing in his expression smooth out, and that’s what I want for him more than anything, so I push back to take more of him in a hurry, and the world turns white.

I don’t know how long he holds still or how long he runs a hand up and down my back until I can drag a breath in. He’s so fucking patient, or I think he is until my vision comes back online.

I’ve left a handprint on the mirror. Left a bite mark on my forearm. Lube spills over the empty condom wrapper, but he leaves far more on show than me.

I see it in his desperate eye contact even while he’s stock-still behind me. I hear it as well in his rough moan when I shift. All it takes is me saying, “Yeah,” and he lets go. Not of me—his hold is unrelenting. It’s himself he lets go of, and all of that control? That patience?

He’s been holding back a storm, and fuck knows how long he’s contained what batters me now, shoving me against the counter even harder. I can barely take it, and he has to notice.

A blanket wraps me.

He’s plastered over my back, breathing heavily, hot air gusting across my ear along with his promise. “I can stop.”

No, he fucking cannot.

Not now I know what he’s been holding back from me.

I push back and don’t stop until we’re as close as two people can be, and he fucks me again, driving hard and heady, whipping up a blaze that has me shouting something loudly—something strangled—he muffles it with a hand over my mouth as a new sound registers. The school bell rings outside, a signal the lunchbreak is over and kids might pass the stables on their way to lessons.

I nod my comprehension, and then shake my head at him easing out of me. He shifts while still inside me, and this change in angle plucks a new nerve. I groan against his palm as he does it again, not looking away from me for even a second.

Doing this was for him at the start.

I’m the centre of his world now.

Nothing else exists. That’s what he shows me with each fast fuck in and slow slide out, with each search for where I’ll make the same sound again for him to muffle, until the world turns white for a second time.

His hand drops, finding my dick, and it’s game over.

I come so hard it’s a good thing he’s got me wedged between him and the counter. And thank fuck I am when I’m too boneless to be any help with his last few shuddering thrusts.

His fingers spasm, then search, and if I ever wanted a sign I’ve been in one place for too long, he gives it to me—his forehead is pressed against my shoulder, no way for him to see, yet he still finds my hand again without looking.

He does it again after we collapse across his bed in a sweaty and heavily breathing tangle of limbs and kisses.

The ache in my arse is worth it to see his expression—he’s at peace when he lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckles.

That easy contact? This soft-yet-rough combination of lips and new beard prickle is like getting to see him for a first time, only minus any burrs or blades or tension.

He’s relaxed, and I love that so much for him that my voice dries.

“You feeling better?”

He nods. He also scrubs at his face like he’s embarrassed. He keeps his eyes covered. “I don’t know why I got all…” He shrugsand lets his hands drop to gaze across his pillow at me. “It was all good, you know?” he says softly. “Everything Mitch showed me? Everything he told me? It was just…”

“A lot?”

He nods again. He also changes the subject. “You said you had some good news. What was it?”

“Oh, yeah. The publisher liked the image drafts I sent. Which is good. They told my agent that they’ll definitely move forward with a contract if I can strengthen another aspect.”

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