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“So, they ended up accidentally sharing a wife,” Elena finished, her mind swimming with even more questions than before.

“Exactly. Of course, it took some adjustment, but it wasn’t long before they saw the advantages that came from a relationship like theirs.”

“What advantages?” The only thing she could think about was how scandalized people would have been. If the town were full of a bunch of prudes now, it had to have been hella worse back in the day.

“With both Jeb and Jeremiah contributing to a single household, their farm was a lot more productive than the ones around them. Jeremiah focused on the crops while Jeb handled raising and breaking horses. Before long, their little enterprise began growing as fast as they could hire the help to keep up. By the time their third child was on the way, the three of them had fully settled into embracing their non-traditional union. The brother’s devotion to their wife became well-known and they openly credited the success of their farm and horse ranch to their unique arrangement. Some of their friends and neighbors began to follow the example that Jeb and Jeremiah had set by accident. Before they knew it, they’d unintentionally started a small but thriving ménage community. Over the years, the Iron Homestead and their community turned into our compound on the edge of town and the Iron Seeds MC.”

“Wow,” Elena breathed. That was all she could say. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. “I mean, I just thought that ya’ll were kinky. I never would have guessed that the threesomes around here came from a tradition passed down since before the Civil War. Just saying it out loud sounds bonkers.”

“Believe me, I know,” Taffy agreed with a laugh. “And for the record, the Iron Seeds have more than just threesomes. There are a handful of quads and a few brave ladies that claim five men each. We don’t have any families larger than that though, at least in this chapter. Our Colorado chapter on the other hand is a little wilder than we are. They have one family with seven husbands.”

“Seven men…” She shook her head, unable work out the logistics of that grouping in her head. That was way too many dicks in her opinion. Granted, with her experience, she’d barely mastered one, butseven? The only thing she could keep thinking of was the carpel tunnel flare ups she’d have from having to handle that many wanks. Her wrists suffered more than enough from her daily grind that she couldn’t even imagine being Snow White of the seven dicks. Not that she would say any of that straight to her new employer’s face. “Well…to each their own, amirite?”

“Exactly.” Taffy gave her a big smile and nod. “With that attitude, you’ll fit in perfectly around here.”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Come in!” Taffy called out.

Elena turned around to greet the newcomer with a smile on her face that froze the moment they made eye contact. She couldn’t think, blink, or breathe. Everything was on pause.

“Paxton!” Taffy cried, quickly moving to embrace the man that had scattered Elena’s marbles. “When did you get here?! You weren’t supposed to drive down until later this week.”

Elena tried not to intrude on their little reunion but found it unavoidable considering how small the office was. She basically had a front row seat to every single inch of the hotness that Taffy was fawning over. He was tall, close to six and a half feet she’d guess, with dark blond hair, dark blue eyes, and a build that made her believe in a higher power. There was no question about it. How else could she explain the perfection she was gawking at? The man was an angel—a heavily muscled, tattooed, thick bearded, hot as fuck angel.

“Just now,” he said, lowering Taffy back down to the floor until she had both heels beneath her again. “Dads said you were back here but didn’t say anything about you having company.”

Chapter Four

“No, Pax.”

“What?” he asked. Pax’s eyes were still locked on the door Elena—his future wife— had disappeared through. She’d run like a scared little rabbit almost immediately after their introduction, but there’d been a definite heat in her eyes when she’d looked at him. It matched what he was feeling. The sparks had been flying when he touched her hand. The contact felt so electrified it almost brought him to his knees.

It was eye opening.

Pax was more than a little tempted to follow right behind their gorgeous new employee so he could find out. It’d been a long while since he’d been this genuinely interested in a woman.

Cupid normally shot arrows, but in Pax’s case, he must have used a lightning bolt. The energy that had sizzled from the connection was so strong, he still could feel it reverberating through him. It ramped everything up including his primal instincts. The urge to snatch her up and lay claim was planted in his head the moment their skin had touched—and it was strong. He’d been in lust before, and his gut was telling him this went beyond simply wanting to fuck. He needed Tanner and Vinyl to meet her as soon as it could be arranged.

Would they feel the same instantaneous chemistry with Elena that he had?

“Don’t even think about it.”

“What?” he asked with a frown.

“You know what,” his mom told him with one raised eyebrow. “You boys left Colorado because you got tangled up with the wrong woman and now, you’re eyeing my new assistant like she’s piece of meat.” She scoffed and shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“I wasn’t eyeing her like she was a piece of meat,” he fibbed. Elena was much more than just a piece of meat. That little bunny washis. “I was admiring that lovely lady.”

She snorted, making him chuckle.

“Don’t bullshit me. I know exactly what you were thinking.”

“Mom—” He knew the reputation that followed around his trio was less than glowing, but still. His mom had never gotten involved in their personal lives before, why did she have to choose now to do so. “All I did was look at her.”

“And I’ve seen that look before,” she said, pointing at him. “It’s the same one your dads give me, which is why I’m telling you to knock it off. You looked as if you were about to eat that girl up.”


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