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With them this close, she couldn’t think of anything other than the tantalizing smell enveloping her. The scent of leather and cloves teased her nose, varying degrees of each radiating off the trio. These guys were pure temptation to her senses, one whiff at a time.

“Hi,” she sighed, unable to form a more coherent greeting.

She needed to see if her favorite candle shop had something similar to the delicious smell—that way she could inhale and moan all she wanted without looking like a weirdo.

“Who do you love?” Pax rumbled with a frown.

“Huh?” Elena looked towards the other two men, hoping to find some clarification but was surprised to see they were also giving her the skunk eye. Now she was really confused. “What’s going on?”

“Who were you talking to, sugar?” Vinyl asked. His expression softened a bit. “Was it the Medina girl?”

“We’re not girls,” she corrected with a frown. She wasn’t quite sure what exactly was happening right now, but the vibe was intense. Pax looked ready to crawl out of his skin, Vinyl was eyeballing her suspiciously, and Tanner was a combo of both.

Then it hit her.

“Did you think I was talking to some other guy?”

“Were you?” Tanner asked, a look of hurt flashing over his face before disappearing just as quickly.

“Not that it’s any of your business but no, I wasn’t.”

She rolled her eyes as all three men visibly relaxed.

“We’re two seconds into this date and you’re already driving me crazy,” she mumbled.

Weirdly, they were also managing to turn her on.

She knew it wasn’t necessarily an appropriate response to their jealousy, but she couldn’t help it. As much as she hated to be ‘that girl’, the attention was flattering. The idea that these three wanted her for their own was as potent as a shot of alcohol. It made her all tingly.

Not that she was about to tell them that.

“And I don’t see how it’s any of your business but yes, I was talking to Marisol.”

“Good,” Pax grunted. He reached for her free hand. “I was worried there for a second that we were going to have to kill someone.”

She rolled her eyes but let him tug her in the direction of the restaurant. Vinyl took position on her other side, slipping his fingers through hers. The moment that link was made, Elena became incredibly aware of the picture they created.

It was obvious to anyone watching that she waswiththese men—all of them. The realization hit her like a two by four to the face.

Everyone local to Lawrence knew the lifestyle the Iron Seeds MC embraced, so it wasn’t a secret or anything. She’d just never in a million years thought she’d be on this side of the fence. Strangely, the second looks weren’t making her feel shameful; if anything, it made her wish for a third hand so Tanner could be included in the connection.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he said, holding the door open for her to pass.

Elena had a feeling he wasn’t talking about food and Tanner confirmed as much when he leaned in close. The heat in his eyes was unmistakable.

“I know I am.”

Chapter Fifteen

“You’re not taking a rideshare home.” Pax interrupted, regretting his tone almost instantly.

If looks could kill, he’d be sliced and diced.

“Oh, really?” The easy smile Elena had been wearing earlier was nowhere to be seen.

“Ummm,” he stalled, trying to figure out how to dig himself out of the hole he was in. He wasn’t about to let his dumb ass be the reason their date bombed.

They may still be getting to know one another, but it was obvious Elena wasn’t the type of woman a man ordered around—unless he wanted to lose his balls. Honestly, it was one of the things he liked most about her. Her independent streak made him hard. She was a sweetheart, but she wasn’t a pushover and that kept them all on their toes.

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