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Tanner and Vinyl both looked over at him like he was crazy.

“Really?” she asked, eyeing him just as dubiously as his friends were.

“Yeah,” Vinyl growled with a glare. “Really?”

“Promise,” he answered with a firm nod.

His gut was telling him this was the right move—even though his friends looked ready to pummel him.

“What do you say?” he asked. Pax mentally crossed his fingers for good luck. “Can we pick you up at seven?”

“No,” she answered with a shake of her head. “I’m going to be on Mass tonight already, so I’ll just meet you down there.”

Pax let out the breath he hadn’t known he was holding. For a second there, he’d thought she was going to tell them to fuck off.

“Where would you like to eat?” Vinyl asked. He pushed up from the chair he’d been occupying and tucked his hands into pockets.

“Anything but tacos,” Elena answered with a resigned sigh. She gave them a small grin when Vinyl chuckled at her answer.

“Thai?” Tanner suggested with a growing grin as he watched their girl.

“Meet ya’ll out front at seven?”

The three of them nodded in unison.

“Great.” Elena clapped her hands and stood up. Picking up a stack of papers she handed over to him.

Pax glanced down to see the insurance forms he still needed to sign.

“Now sign these so ya’ll can get the fuck outta my office.” She gave them an exaggerated smile. “Please.”

After a brief moment of silence, the sound of deep laughter filled the room.

Chapter Fourteen

“You arenotchickening out!” Marisol yelled.

Despite the volume control on her phone, the order was still loud enough to make Elena wince.

“How’d you—” She looked back towards Medina’s to see if her best friend was stalking her from the taco shop she had just left. “Are you a witch or something?”

“I’m not a witch,” Marisol huffed. “I just know you’re a pussy.”

“Pffft.” Elena followed up the raspberry with a snort for good measure. “I’m not a pussy.”

“Ha!” her now ex-best friend laughed in her ear. “Prove it. Go to the restaurant and meet your three bikers. I dare ya. No, wait. I take that back.I double dog dare you.”

Elena rolled her eyes. “Real mature, ‘Sol. What are we, twelve?” Her pace slowed as she approached her favorite downtown Thai restaurant. “And stop calling themmybikers.”

“’Lena, from what you told me earlier, those guys are definitelyyourbikers. Take a hit off your pen, chill the fuck out, and go have fun.”

“I can’t believe you’re encouraging this,” she grumbled, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. “Mamma J would be so disappointed.”

“That’s exactly why I’m encouraging this!” Marisol admitted without shame. “I’m catholic, so I live vicariously through you. You know this!”

“You’re crazy,” Elena chuckled as she started walking again. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard that line. ‘Sol had used that excuse since their teens.

“I’m honest,” her friend defended. “My mom would lose her shit if I came home with more than one dick.”

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