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Vinyl and Tanner agreed without prompting.

She shook her head at the trio and fell back against her chair. Elena touched the back of her hand to her forehead. “Am I having a stroke?”

He barked out a laugh. “Why do you think that, baby doll?”

“Baby doll?” Elena echoed in disbelief as she looked at him goggle-eyed. “What is even happening right now?”

“We’re setting up tonight’s date,” Vinyl answered. “Is eight too late to eat? We have a client coming that may need some work done before we can clock out and clean up.”

“Eight works,” she answered, almost immediately following it with a shake of her head. She glared at Vinyl. “Wait! No! Who said we were going out on a date?”

“You said you didn’t want to be fuck buddies,” Tanner reminded her with an innocent grin that Pax had seen work miracles in the past.

“I don’t!” she squawked. The color was back in Elena’s cheeks as she paced away from her desk with a little growl.

“We don’t either.” Pax stood up along with her. The time for games was over. In his opinion they’d already wasted days. He’d been wanting to claim her since the moment they met. “And you don’t need to worry about your job.”

“His mom has already threatened us with castration if we fucked shit up with you,” Tanner supplied with a nod.

Pax had planned on saying that a wee bit gentler, but it was the truth. His mom had warned each of them—in her scariest ‘don’t fuck with me’ voice—that she’d turn them from stallions to geldings with her garden shears and a spoon if they broke Elena’s heart.

They’d all taken her warning seriously. His mom was sweet as can be but the moment you crossed her; you best kiss your ass goodbye. That woman wasn’t playing around.

“Your mom knows!?” Elena gasped, looking horrified at the prospect.

The trio nodded.

“She saw it happen with her own two eyes, baby doll. You knocked me on my ass at first sight,” he admitted, not embarrassed in the least. “She knew. I didn’t have to say a thing.”

His mom had been able to sense something was up before he’d ever opened his mouth to ask about Elena. Once he’d confirmed her suspicions and brought the other guys up to date, she’d corralled all three for a come-to-Jesus meeting.

Warnings were given, threats were made, and promises were delivered. Pax and his friends hadn’t needed them though; they were all on the same page when it came to Elena.

She belonged to them.

The office phone rang, interrupting the staring contest he’d been having with her.

She held up a finger, telling them to wait while she picked it up with her other hand.

“Iron Seeds Garage, how can I help you?”

Pax couldn’t help but be impressed by the customer service voice Elena had switched to seemingly effortlessly. His friends were watching her as if they agreed too.

“How’d she do that?” Tanner whispered.

Vinyl shrugged. “Witchcraft?”

Pax snorted, watching their woman work. It was easy to see why his mom was so impressed by Elena. Her people skills—even over the phone—were fantastic. She sounded professional, knowledgeable, and helpful from the moment she’d picked up the phone until she’d hung it up.

“That was Mr. O’Connor canceling his appointment tonight,” she said, looking at Vinyl. “He said he’d call back to reschedule.”

“Good, that means dinner won’t have to wait until eight.”

Pax couldn’t help but smile when she growled at his friend.

“You’re not going to let this go, are you?” She looked at the three of them with fire in her eyes. “You’re determined to drive me crazy.”

“Let us take you out to dinner,” Pax proposed as his friends nodded in agreement. “Give us a chance to show you who we really are. If, at the end of the night, you don’t want anything more to do with us we’ll leave you alone.”

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