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“What happened, sweetheart? One minute you’re smiling at me and the next you’re pulling away.”

Elena let out a little huff hearing the term of endearment and nudged the phone towards him.

He probably called everyone sweetheart.

“I didn’t read any of the actual text,” she told him as he reached for it. She’d been so caught off guard by the picture that had popped up, her brain hadn’t had time to process the words before she was dropping the phone like a hot potato. “But I couldn’t avoid the image. Sorry.”

“What image?” he asked, flipping the phone over to show the display. With a quick swipe of his fingers, the lock screen slid away to reveal a huge set of tits. “Holy shit.”

“Can we just forget this ever happened?” she asked, covering her eyes before her self-confidence took another nosedive. She’d already seen way too much of the perfect breasts as it was. Elena didn’t need another peek at those high-sitting titties to kick her while she was down.

How were they so symmetrical?


She stopped him before he could go any further. “It’s none of my business. Seriously.”

“Goddammit,” he groaned, dropping his forehead down to rest on the steering wheel in front of him. When he lifted it up to look at her, his expression was torn. “I promise there’s a good explanation for what you just saw, but it’s going to have to wait a few minutes. If I sit here too long, I’m going to get a ticket.”

“I told you there’s no nee—”

“Yes, there is, and it’ll happen,” he promised as he slid out of the cab. “Just give me a few minutes and I promise I’ll fix things. Okay?”

Tanner didn’t wait for her to give him an answer before slamming the door and sprinting away.

As she watched him go, Elena couldn’t help but wonder why he was so insistent on explaining the topless picture. Despite the sting of hurt that had struck when she first saw it, it wasn’t that big of a deal. They’d literally met five seconds ago. He didn’t owe her any type of explanation; it was none of her business. Not only that but she assumed most guys had naked pics on their phone somewhere, whether it be from sexting or just plain porn. She wasn’t going to judge what he and his girlfriend got up to; she was just grateful she’d seen it before any more flirting had occurred. She’d never poached a man before and she wasn’t about to start now.

Now matter how tempting he was.

Five minutes later Tanner was walking back to the truck with an armful of big, white boxes that she opened her door to take.

“Do you think Taffy ordered enough?” she asked as they began to fill up the cab. Elena would be surprised if the garage had left anything in the cases after their order being filled. There was so much, she wasn’t sure how he’d managed to carry it all by himself.

“Knowing the guys at the garage, these will only last an hour or two.”

“Really?” That possibility boggled her mind. There had to be over a hundred donuts surrounding her and he didn’t think there’d be any leftovers? He had to be pulling her leg, there was no way.

“Some of our delivery guys might help, but yeah. You’ll want to grab a few for yourself before they disappear.” Tanner buckled up and started the truck. “Now about that picture—”

“I’ve already said it doesn’t matter,” she reminded him again. They only had a few minutes left in their trip and she wanted to talk about something else. “That’s your personal business.”

“That’s the thing,” he argued with a shake of his head, his eyes never leaving the road. He reached over and covered her hand with his much larger mitt. “I don’thaveany personal business.”

She snorted as she slid her hand away. “That picture says differently.”

“That’s exactly why I’m trying to explain things.”

“Why do you need to explain anything?” The more he insisted, the less she wanted to listen. Even if that wasn’t his girlfriend and instead just a random woman he was sexting, it was still no business of hers. “I’ve already told you it doesn’t matter.”

He let out a small growl of annoyance as they stopped at a red light.

“Why’re you being so stubborn?”

“Why’re you?” she shot back.Hewas callingherstubborn?!

The audacity.

If anyone was being stubborn it was the man sitting beside her. She’d already told him a million times she didn’t want or need to hear any type of explanation. Why couldn’t he get it through his thick head that she didn’t want to talk about it?

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