Page 7 of Simmering Heat

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“Well, I guess we’ll have to catch up later….” She looked around the room for a moment, trying see which tables had been set aside for the wedding party. She was startled when a large warm hand settled on her elbow, steering her toward the front.

“We’re seated over here,” he answered before she had a chance to ask.

“Oh, I guess that’s something I should have known.” Jazz frowned.

“What’s that face for?” Leo kept a firm hold on her arm as they walked toward their destination.

“I’m the maid of honor, and so far, I’m blowing it.” Her voice sounded pathetic even to her own ears. “I wasn’t able to be here earlier because I had to attend a ceremony for my parents and—”

“Look.” Leo took her by the shoulders and stared into her eyes. “Will’s family is laid back, and from what I can gather, Winter’s family is a little crazy. The only thing I think we need to do is help when asked and keep some old guy from smoking.”

Jazz was nodding even before he stopped talking. “That’s Winter’s uncle.”

“Who?” It was his turn to look confused.

“The old guy that keeps trying to light up.” She subtly pointed in the uncle’s direction. “I can’t remember his name, but he likes to get a little handsy with the ladies and sneak away for stogies.”

Leo chuckled at her description. “Did he hit on you?”

She nodded. “I’m pretty sure he pinched my ass, but he’s surprisingly fast and I can’t be sure if it was him or one of the other cronies he runs with. They all have those bony old man fingers that give me the willies. It was like the Crypt Keeper trying to cop a feel.”

Jazz shivered at the memory.

“Let me know if he steps out of line again and I’ll have a talk with him.” he offered, sending a mock glare in the direction of the horny old goat.

Jazz had to admit that the longer she talked Leo the less he reminded her of the bratty older boy who loved to pick on her when she was younger. Now that she was older, she could see why he hadn’t been overly nice. Before now, Jazz hadn’t even given a second thought to the annoyance that she must have been to him. She basically had stolen his mom during a good portion of their younger years and that was something that she felt she needed to apologize for.


“Have you seen Win?” Will asked as he rushed up to them, more than a little frantic.

“She was with some of her family the last time I saw her.” Jazz offered, jumping when Will cursed harshly under his breath.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

“What’s going on?”

“I need you to find her for me,” Will ordered, his voice rough. “Nobody knows where she is, and I just heard that Candy and a couple of the pole bunnies were giving her shit. It didn’t sound good.”

“What the hell, Will? Why were they even here to begin with?” Jazz pulled her phone out of her clutch and sent Winter a text asking where she was. Hopefully she’d answer.

“Some of the guys brought them as dates.” Will’s expression was thunderous as he explained. “I’ve already chewed them out, but I need to know what damage those vipers managed to cause so I can fix it.”

Jazz looked down at her phone when it began to vibrate.

“Is that her? Is she okay?” Will asked in rapid-fire succession.

She read it quickly. “She needed a few minutes alone, but I know where she’s hiding. Let me work my magic and I’ll have her out in a jiffy.”

Jazz started to move away when she realized that somehow, she had linked hands with Leo. Pulling her fingers free, she met his hot gaze. The look in his eyes made her shiver.

“See you at the table?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she breathed, her insides tingling at the promise in his eyes.

Something about the way Leo watched her told Jazz their reunion wasn’t over yet.

Chapter 4

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