Page 55 of Simmering Heat

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“Wasshappning?” she slurred as her vision began to narrow.

The sound of her bestie and her mom panicking followed her into the dark as she drifted away.

“Jazz!” Winter yelled. “Jasmine! Wake up, honey! Wake up for me, Jazz.”

“Wha—” she mumbled, flopping on the cushions as she was shaken vigorously. She opened her eyes and blinked up at her frantic looking roommate. “Dafuq, Win?”

Winter let go of her shoulders and rushed to the kitchen. “You scared the ever-loving shit out of me.”

“What happened?” She asked, rubbing the center of her chest. The area felt as if she had a boa constrictor squeezing it still.

“You fucking fainted!” Winter jogged back and placed a cold, wet wash cloth on her forehead. “Are you okay?”

Jazz nodded. “I didn’t imagine that, did I?”

“He’s fine,” her friend assured her. “What about you though? How’re you feeling?”

“I think I’m okay. I don’t know what happened,” she mumbled, her brain was still struggling to catch up after checking out on her. “One minute I was here and the next, I wasn’t. It was weird.”

“Well…the minute you passed out I may or may not have screamed and now your parents are on their way,” Winter blurted out in a rush. “They were going to send an ambulance, but I talked them out of it.”

She blinked. “What?”

“You scared the poop out of me!” Winter snatched the rag off Jazz’s head and used it to mop her own brow. “You’ve got me sweating and your mom cussing up a storm. I could hear her yelling at your dad, ‘Reggie, if you don’t hurry the fuck up, I’m going to kill you.’ Then she made me swear I would call an ambulance if you didn’t wake up. She’s fucking intense.”

“Let me call her back,” Jazz said, pushing herself up into a sitting position. She still felt a bit off kilter, but it was getting better.

“I can do that,” Winter insisted, snatching the phone out of her hand while simultaneously moving the trashcan closer. “You look like you’re going to barf again.”

“Thanks,” she whispered with a weak smile.

“Victoria? Calm down. She’s awake and other than looking white as a sheet, she seems to be fine.” Winter looked over at her. “Your mom wants to know exactly how you’re feeling. Hot, cold, dizzy…?”

“My chest feels tight, and I can’t shake the nausea,” she answered with a grimace.

As Winter relayed the information, she could hear her mother’s voice coming over the phone even though it wasn’t on speaker.

“No, I don’t want to go to the hospital,” Jazz answered without waiting for Winter to repeat her mom’s request.

After a little more back and forth, her friend hung up and handed her something to sip on.

“If you’re not going to the hospital, she said to keep your ass planted right here.”

She snorted.

Winter held up her hands. “I’m just the messenger.”

“Dear lord.” Jazz shook her head before taking a sip of the ginger ale. She gestured to the TV still showing shots of the fire. “Anything new?”

“Only that they’ve managed to contain it finally. I bet that place was full of old boxes of wallpaper and lit up faster than you could blink.” Winter’s phone buzzed on the coffee table. Picking it up, her roommate scanned it quick. “Will just texted that he’s on his way back.”

“Did he find out who’s the one that got hurt?”

“No, not yet,” Winter answered, nudging the small trashcan Jazz had been using away. “That smells fucking awful.”

“Sorry,” she apologized. She reached out and linked their fingers. Giving them a squeeze, she smiled at the sister she never had. “You think I can do this?”

Winter turned to face her fully on the couch, her face honest and open. “It’s not easy. It’s never going tobeeasy, and to tell you the truth…I didn’t handle it well at first.”

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