Page 4 of Simmering Heat

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“Isn’t it?” She sighed. “Every visit home ends the same.”

“Well, Victoria and Reginald are nothing if not predictable.” Winter tipped her champagne glass to Will when he blew her a kiss from across the room.

“They’re something alright….” Jazz trailed off, setting her glass on a tray as a waiter walked by. “I didn’t have a chance to tell them that I’m taking that job at Fulton Pediatrics.”

“It’s been a month already!” Winter gasped, her eyes big. “You have to say something soon, before they set up an interview wheretheywant you to work.”

“I know, I know.” She ran her fingers through her curls, the idea making her more than a little twitchy. She was not good at standing up to her parents. She never had been. “Every time I go to bring it up, I freeze. It’s uncontrollable.”

“Jazz, this is getting ridiculous,” Winter told her in a weary voice. “The longer you wait, the worse it’s going to get.”

“I’ll tell them. I promise,” She repeated the mantra for what seemed like the millionth time. Not only for Winter’s sake, but also for her own.

“Before or after you start at Fulton?” Winter teased, giving her a heavy dose of side eye.

Jazz made a face. That poke stung but it was justified.


When Winter nudged her with her hip, she sighed heavily.

“I just know they’re going to be disappointed in me, and it makes my heart hurt. I can already picture their faces when I tell them that it’s a small pediatrics office. That is exactly the opposite of what they want for me. They’re still trying to talk me into med school.”

Winter passed off her champagne glass to a nearby waiter and took her by the shoulders. Jazz knew what was coming before her bestie even opened her mouth.

“Do you want to be a doctor?” Winter asked bluntly.

“No,” she whispered with a shake of her head.

“Do you want to work as a nurse in that pediatrician’s office?”

“Yes,” she answered with a nod.

“Then tell Victoria and Reginald that,” Winter ordered with a shake. “They love you and just want you to be happy. It’s just thattheirversion of happy also includes you being a doctor and marrying a doctor and having more little doctors.”

Jazz couldn’t help the sound of disgust that escaped her at the mere thought of it. “I don’t want that.”

“Then tell them that now. It’s only going to get harder the longer you wait.”

“I know.” She just had to stop being a pussy and do it already. “I promise I’ll talk to them soon, but enough about that. Tonight’s your night, Win. I’m so happy for you.”

“Can you believe I’m getting married?” Winter asked with a wide smile. “I can’t believe how fast everything’s come together.”

“It’s going to be beautiful. The park is going to be so pretty with the leaves turning.” She couldn’t keep the yearning out of her own voice. The plans her friend had come up with for the ceremony were truly gorgeous. “I’m so jealous. I’ve always wanted an October wedding.”

“Sometimes I can’t believe this is real life,” Winter told her, her voice filled with awe. “I still feel like I need to pinch myself sometimes to make sure this isn’t all a dream.”

Jazz hugged her best friend hard. “You deserve this and more. Will’s a lucky guy and he better not forget it.”

“I’m the lucky one.” Winter’s eyes teared up as they let go of each other. “We’re not crazy, right? This isn’t too soon?”

“The two of you were made for each other. Time doesn’t matter when it’s right,” She reassured her friend. Jazz wasn’t going to lie; shehadthought they were crazy at first. Getting engaged after knowing each other only four days is generally the prequel to a disaster. Her opinion changed the longer she watched the lovebirds together. The two of them were meant to be. “Now I just need to figure out how to get my own knight in shining armor.”

“Paul was a dud?” Winter asked with a wince, referring to the recent online match Jazz had gone on a date with.

“So. Freaking. Boring.” She breathed out heavily. She wasn’t much better than her parents when it came to picking her own dates, Paul being a prime example. They had absolutely nothing in common other than being the same species, and Jazz was a little skeptical about that. “He talked about his cat and his mom the entire time.

“That’s not—”

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