Page 2 of Simmering Heat

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Leo snorted and rolled his eyes. “Does that make her invisible or something? What does she look like?”

“Ummm,” Will hummed, pushing his hair back as he thought on it. “She’s kind of short, about the same height as Win. Her hair is lighter, streaked with blonde, and her eyes are light. I think they’re blue but I’m not sure. They might be grey or green. I’ve never paid much attention.”


Will shrugged and held out his hands. “I don’t know what else to tell you man. I’ve neverlookedlooked at her; she’s like a little sister to me. I don’t know her measurements or anything.”

“She’s pretty,” Joey added with a big smile. “She’s also smart, funny, and kind. You’d be lucky to catch her eye.”

“She’s got curves like my girl,” Will tacked on. “They share clothes all the time.”

“I’m interested.” Leo grinned, rapping his knuckles against the bar. “When do I meet her?”

“Well,” Will sighed. “Win had hoped to introduce you two last week, but Jazz got caught up with some family stuff, and then we had that bad call on Saturday. I don’t think we have another chance to get together until the engagement party.”

The bell above the bar door jingled.

“Welcome to the—never mind.” Joey waved at Nix. “The usual?”

“Sounds good,” the firefighter agreed with a smile as he walked up to the bar where they were all chitchatting. Nix gave Leo and Will a chin lift. “What are we talking about?”

“We were talking about Winter’s friend—”

“Jazz?” Nix interrupted with a raised brow. “What’s going on with her? Everything ok?”

“Everything’s fine,” Will said with a shake of his head. “I was just saying that Winter was thinking of setting her up with someone.”

“Really?” Nix leaned his heavily muscled arms against the bar. “Tell me more.”

Chapter 1

“I’msosorry,” Jazz repeated again. “I tried to get away, but nothing short of a knock over the head would have gotten my mom to loosen her grip. It was like I had a damn boa constrictor attached to me all night.”

“Sounds like classic Victoria.” Her best friend chuckled on the other end. “And don’t worry about it. Just be careful driving in, the forecast called for storms late tonight but it’s already looking a little dark out there.”

“I’m only speeding a little bit,” Jazz fibbed, pressing down harder on the gas pedal of her small Honda. She passed a slow-moving cattle truck. “Get outta the way, cows!”

Winter snorted over the speaker. “Slow down, psycho. I’d like for you to make it here in one piece, please.”

“I’ll be there in once piece,” she promised, checking the time on her dash. “I should be there in ten.”

“Goo—” Winter coughed. “Oh, shit. I gotta go, my Uncle Al’s trying to light a stogie off the centerpiece candles.”

Jazz winced at the click that followed.

“Yikes,” she whispered, guilt hitting her hard.

She should have been at the engagement party an hour ago, and would have been, if it hadn’t been for her inability to say no to her parents. It should have been easy, but it wasn’t. She’d even practiced her speech in the mirror to prepare and she still hadn’t been able to stick to her guns. Not even a little bit. Jazz had taken one look at her mom’s stone-cold face and folded.

Screeching into the parking lot, she whipped her car into the first spot she saw and hustled her ass into the hotel. Hurrying as much as possible in high heels, she practically ran into the lobby.

“Excuse me, miss?”

Jazz turned to see a hotel employee moving toward her at a fast pace.

“Yes?” She recognized him from one of the meetings she’d attended with Winter. “Mr. Rudolph, right?”

“Yes,” he held out his hand to shake hers. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but one of the hotel shuttles damaged a motorcycle in the parking lot that we believe belongs to someone attending your event.”

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