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“I understand, and you feel that is a line you need to practice?” I say, joining him at the sink, and he hands me a towel to dry my hands.

“I think it is you who needs the practice, Miss Taylor. It’s clear you can’t even take a compliment.”

“A fake compliment,” I correct him.

“Fake relationship or not, you look beautiful today.” I roll my eyes, and he continues, “Just say thank you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Brooks,” I say sarcastically.

“I think we have some work to do. How are you going to act around the others?” he scolds me, and I begin to walk away.

He grabs my waist and turns me to face him while he pushes my back against the nearest wall. My breath hitches as I look up at him but before I can think of anything to say, his lips are on mine.

Soft, brief kisses feather my lips. As if it is the most natural thing in the world, I kiss him back, bracing my hands on his chest to steady myself.

As if my action was the permission he needs, he pulls me in closer by wrapping one hand around my waist as the other finds its place between my shoulder blades. While the shock subsides, I ignore all reasonable thoughtand allow my hands to begin their exploration. The feel of his sturdy body pressed against me isn’t enough, it is only a tease, I need more. My fingers find his waist and graze up the side of him as his mouth devours mine.

A moan escapes me as my need for Henry hits new heights. His claiming tongue brushes along mine, and I know my fate is sealed. There has never been, nor will there ever be another who can make me feel this alive.

Our touches become frantic, and the need for more becomes insatiable. He must feel it too, as he breaks our kiss only for his lips to work their way up my neck, biting at my earlobe. My legs grow weak, and my body feels like it is unraveling.

Henry pulls away slightly, just enough for us to catch our breath. Yet, it’s too much, my body sways, mourning the loss of his stability. My hands reach for him, but some sense returns, and I quickly pull them back to my side.

I find my footing and he takes another step back, placing his hands behind him on the island for balance. He looks like the lead in a romantic comedy movie, trying to act unfazed, but I can tell he is just as affected as I am. His cheeks are red while his chest is still rising and falling. It does nothing to stifle the lust clouding my mind.

“What…” is the only word I can get out.

“See, look how unprepared you were for that.” He stands his breath regaining a normal pattern as he looks down to fix his shirt. “Couples kiss, you know.”

“I don’t know many couples that kiss like that in front of other people.”

“Well, then, I pity those couples,” he says with a smirk and continues, “I thought it would be helpful to get thefirst one out of the way, so when it happens again, you won’t look so flustered.” And turns back to the island as he wasn’t exploring my mouth with his tongue mere moments ago.

He may have a point—I suppose I won’t be as shocked if,when he said when,it happens again. Although, I can’t imagine I’ll ever get used to being kissed like that.

As if on cue, Mia and Finn make their way downstairs. Henry informs them he’s making omelets and instructs me to work on the potatoes for a side. “Here, just add the ingredients while they cook. It’s basically mixing everything together.” I nod, still not sure what to say. I keep my head down to allow for the flush of my face to fade before they can notice my overwhelming reaction to Henry.

Shortly, Hannah and Oliver arrive at the table and my potatoes are just about finished. John is the only person missing from the table. Henry looks at me knowingly, and I announce, “I’ll fetch him, but while I’m gone, this would be a good photo to post.” I point to everyone seated at the table. Henry nods and pulls out his phone as I make my way upstairs.

As I approach the door to John’s room, I hear him speaking, but I can’t make it out. Knocking loudly on the door, I hear him say, “I’ve got to go, bye,” before opening the door to me.

“Morning, Lucy.” John smiles and leans against the door frame with no shirt on and only wearing his boxers. “You know, you really shouldn’t have slept on the couch last night. This bed was awfully lonely.”

Just wait until he finds out that I didn’t sleep on the couch or alone.

“Breakfast is just about ready. Make yourself decent. Then we can discuss plans about getting back to the city.” I turn on my heels without another word.

The others are already seated at the table, their plates stacked high with the impressive spread Henry has laid out for us. John finds a seat at the table and I offer to make him a plate. I have a feeling it’s best to keep as much distance between him and Henry as possible.

I place John’s breakfast in front of him. Capitalizing on our close proximity, he wraps his arm around my waist, but I turn out of it as soon as I can.

I barely have a moment’s notice before Henry walks over to me. He turns to face the table, “I think it’s about time, don’t you, Lucy?”

Panic over what my friends’ reactions will be overcomes me but disintegrates just as quickly when Henry’s arm moves behind my back and slips his hand into my jeans’ back pocket.

Without waiting for my reply—I’m already blowing it—Henry looks at them all and announces, “We are together, it’s serious, and we decided to make it exclusive a few weeks ago.” He leans down to me for a kiss, and I meet his lips like it is something we’ve done a million times. “And now you all know.” He looks directly at John and says, “Especially you.”

The rest of the table just look amongst themselves with smirks on their faces, maybe Henry texted them earlier to give them the heads up. Not a single one of them looked puzzled by this announcement.

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