Page 56 of Grayscale

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“What the actual hell,Cal? It’s about damn time you returned my calls.” Cal had a habit of pissing me off, but I was so far beyond annoyed now I was about two seconds from getting on a plane to wherever he was just to make sure he was still alive.

Last night, I’d been sitting in my gallery, minding my own business while I completed paperwork, when I’d felt an overwhelming sense of dread, then nothing. Nero and Julius called it our freaky twin thing, but I had a sixth sense for knowing when Cal was in trouble, and I knew whatever he was doing, he was in deep shit.

I’d immediately called Cal, but of course, the call had gone straight to voicemail. For the next hour and a half, I’d paced the gallery and shot off text after text and made call after call to Cal with no return. Finally, as I was about to pack up and head home to have Felix trace his cell so I could buy a plane ticket, I’d felt him again.

But this time, it wasn’t dread that came through our twin bond.

This time, it was a deep sense of peace and wholeness, and since I’d felt it, I hadn’t felt much else from him. It was like our bond had been muted by whatever had happened. I hada working theory about what that was, but it didn’t make any sense, and the fact that Cal hadn’t called me back was making me antsy.

“Hi, Quin. Sorry I missed your calls. Things have been busy here.”

“Where exactly is here?”

“Jack and I are in Prague, but we’ve only got a couple hours before we’ve gotta be out of the city.”

Swiping a hand over my face, I cringed. “Cal, what did you do?”

“Why do you assume I did something?”

“Call it a hunch.”

“Well,Quintillus, for your information, we had a lovely meeting with one of the people in the FBI file today, and he politely asked us to leave town.”

“Well,Caligula, that sounds like a load of crap. You know you can’t lie to me. What really happened?”

Cal sighed on the other end of the line. “Abridged version, we broke into Vlk Mazal’s train yard last night, found out it’s not fine art he’s moving, then Jack was held at gunpoint, I shot Mazal’s son, and we ended up meeting with him at an art exhibition opening this afternoon during which he provided some incredibly useful information about our next target and told us in no uncertain terms to get out of Prague.”


“Good news is, you can tell Felix that Vlk Mazal doesn’t have the painting.”



“What happened last night?”

“I just told you.”

I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see it. “No, you didn’t. I felt… something, and now I’m having a hard time getting a read on you. I can tell you’re alive, but that’s it.”

My twin was quiet for a long moment before he cleared his throat. “So, you know Jack. Well, uh, he’s my fated mate, and we’re, uh, mated now. So yeah…”

The phone slipped from my fingers and hit the plush rug in my office. Not that it mattered because Cal could still easily hear my shouted “What the fuck?” that also brought my other brothers and Felix running because I never yelled and only swore when the situation really called for it. My body froze, even as my mind and heart digested the information. My hunch had been right.

“Quin? Is everything okay?” Nero’s mate looked at me with concern while Julius stooped to pick up my phone, and Nero stood glowering in the doorway to my study, his arms crossed over his massive chest.

“Thanks.” I took my phone from Julius and held it in my palm.

“I’m putting you on speaker.”

“No, Quin, don’t.” But Cal’s plea came too late.

“Hey, Cal. Everything okay? It’s way too quiet around here without you.”

“You missing me, little bro?”

“Missingfeels like a strong word.”

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