Page 49 of Grayscale

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One side of Jack’s mouth lifted. “Exactly.”

It didn’t feel big enough, but it needed to be said. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.” In a move that was almost too romantic to be real, he lifted our joined hands together and kissed the back of mine.

“While I appreciate you saving my ass, how did you know where to find me?”

A growl rumbled in Jack’s chest, but it wasn’t the sexy kind I’d felt vibrate against my body when he was mauling me on thehood of the car. No, this was predatory and intimidating, and I loved it.

“That fuckwad Alex has more holes in his operation than a pair of old gym socks. He’s leaking information everywhere.”

“So that’s why you hate him?”

“Yeah. Obviously. Why did you think I hated him?”

Blood rushed to my cheeks, and I was grateful for the dark car. “No reason.”

“I know you hooked up with him.”

“Correction. I tried to hook up with him, but a certain asshole I know ruined me for anyone else, and I couldn’t get it up.”

Jack blew out a huge breath. “Thank fuck.”

“I’m sorry, Jack. I didn’t think there was ever a possibility we’d ever get here. I was trying to get you out of my head.”

He pulled into the alley behind the town house and parked the car. “I know, but I think that’s enough confessions for one night, don’t you?”

“Yes. One hundred percent.”

He tapped a finger against his lips. “What should we do instead?”

“Goddamn it, Jack, if you don’t get your big dick inside me in the next five minutes, I might die.”

“Can’t have that. Not after I went through so much trouble to keep you alive.” He dropped my hand, unbuckled his seat belt, and flung open his door. “Race you inside.”

“Wait. My room or yours?” But he was already gone, the slam of the car door echoing down the alley.

I almost tripped over Jack’s boots inside the door but caught myself on the edge of the counter before I totally wiped out. More of his clothes were strewn through the kitchen. He’d obviously been stripping as he ran. I toed off my boots and did the same, hitting the front stairs in just my boxers.


No answer. The upstairs hallway was silent, and my heart rate picked up. I knew he was somewhere, waiting, and the hunter in me loved the thrill of this game. I liked feeling like Jack’s prey. Before I went looking for him, I popped into my room and grabbed the lube I had stashed in my duffel. Jack probably had supplies, but I didn’t want to chance it. Now that I’d broken the seal with Jack, jerking us off in the alley, it felt like the floodgates had been opened, and there was no way I was going back now.

I didn’t call out for him again, instead creeping toward his room at the end of the hall on nearly silent feet, my senses on high alert and my dick hard and leaking.

When I got to the bathroom in the hall, I set the supplies on the vanity and shimmied out of my boxers, leaving them behind on the floor, then headed back out into the hall. There was still no sign of Jack, so I finished my trek to his room.

The second I crossed the threshold, the door closed behind me. “Get on the bed. All fours. Ass in the air.”

The low rumble of Jack’s voice in the dark landed in my balls, and my cock jumped, smacking against my abs. Fuck, this was hot.

Normally, I would have fought Jack for dominance, but this time, I didn’t want to. I tossed the supplies on the bed, hopeful we’d be able to find them when we needed them later, and rushed to get into the position Jack requested.

Jack had always indulged my more submissive side. I could be the aggressor when I wanted to be, and Jack allowed it, but he also gave me exactly what I needed without me having to ask. Behind me, I felt him circling and felt his gaze on my body in the low light coming in from the street, but he made no move to get closer to the bed. The threat of his touch heightened my arousal until it was all I could smell in the room.

“Jack.” His name fell from my lips on a whine as I lowered to my elbows, my ass even higher in the air.

He said nothing, but he came closer, and my body tensed, waiting for the first touch of his skin against mine.

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