Page 46 of Grayscale

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Cal and I instinctively moved so we were back-to-back as more wolves surrounded us. There were four in total against the two of us, but I’d seen Cal fight before, and I liked our odds.

“They’ve got guns,” Cal whispered, his hand hovering over the holster at his hip, but I didn’t see any. From what I could tell, the wolves all carried weapons meant to inflict maximum damage without death. They weren’t there to kill us. They were there to send a message, and as they closed in, I was getting the message loud and clear as the wolf closest to me wrapped a heavy chain around his hand.

“Kdo jsi?” The wolf spat the question, but my Czech was shit, and I didn’t understand, not that I would have answered anyway.

“Are we coming out swinging or what?”


The wolves closed in on us, but we didn’t wait for them to strike first. As a unit, Cal and I attacked. My fists flew, connecting with flesh, while I tried to dodge the chain one of the wolf shifters swung at me. Cal was doing the same, dancing outof the way to avoid the metal pipe one of the wolves held while landing a few well-placed kicks. My knee connected with one of my attacker’s chests, and he fell backward into a train car. His head smacked the metal, and he didn’t get up. The wolf with the chain advanced, and I grabbed at the length of swinging metal, wrapping it around my own hand and pulling the wolf off his feet. I landed a swift kick to his head as he fell to the gravel with a dull thud, out of my way until he came to. For good measure, I wrapped the chain around his wrists. He’d be able to shake them off without much trouble, but it would buy us a few extra seconds.

Cal had a wolf on his back holding the metal pipe against his throat while he threw punches at a second wolf. Grabbing the wolf at Cal’s back around the throat, I pulled him away, the metal pipe crashing to the ground, and landed a punch to his face that had blood spurting out from between his fingers as he grabbed at his broken nose. He stumbled and fell backward, landing hard against the side of one of the freight cars. He moaned but didn’t get back on his feet. Cal landed a kick to the jaw of the wolf he was fighting that sent him reeling and stumbling back, the wrench he’d held clattering to the ground, the echo pinging off the train cars. Cal picked up the wrench and brought it down on the wolf’s ribs. The wolf tried to roll to his knees but fell and didn’t get up again.

“Stay down,” Cal growled as he pulled his gun from his holster and aimed it at the wolf he’d just sent to the ground.

An arm wrapped around my throat, and I smelled blood. The wolf shifter with the broken nose had his claws at my throat, and the cool metal of a gun pressed against my temple.

“Who are you?” he asked in accented English, distorted by his broken nose and the blood still streaming from it, running down into his mouth. Cal turned at the sound of his voice, his gun trained on the wolf.

“We’re no one.” The wolf’s claws pierced my neck through my balaclava as he tightened his grip.

“Bullshit. Who sent you?” Blood splattered against the exposed part of my face.

“No one sent us, asshole.” Cal’s eyes were narrowed on his target. “I know you said no guns, but can I shoot him?” Cal’s aim didn’t waver.

The wolf shifter pressed the barrel of his gun harder against my temple. “Try it and your friend dies.”

Cal didn’t wait any longer. He fired a single shot, and the wolf shifter’s grip on my throat loosened and fell away as he hit the dirt. Cal grabbed my arm as he ripped off his balaclava and started running for the end of the train yard, listening for sounds of pursuit. We made it through the hole in the fence and back to the car, and I slid into the driver’s seat, shoved the key into the ignition, and threw the car into gear in one movement. We were winding through the streets on the outskirts of Prague before Cal spoke. He still had his gun in his hand.

“Pull over.”

“What? Why?”

“Just fucking pull over, Jack.”

I turned the car down a dark alley and killed the engine. Cal was out of the car almost before it stopped moving, and before I knew what was happening, he’d holstered his gun, flung the driver’s-side door open, and hauled me out of the car, shoving me against the rough brick of one of the buildings.

My breath punched out of my lungs as Cal’s lips descended on mine. The kiss was ferocious. He bit at my mouth until I opened for him, my hands finding their way into his hair and pulling hard, keeping his lips sealed to mine. There was fire and passion in the way he claimed my mouth, and it set something in the pit of my stomach ablaze as all the blood in my body made a beeline for my cock.

He shoved a leg between my thighs, and I rocked against it, looking for friction while his hips thrust forward, his hard-on pressed tight to my hip. Cal’s fingers found the edge of my balaclava and ripped it off over my head, his thumbs tracing over the puncture wounds from the wolf’s claws.

“Don’t ever fucking do that to me again, Jack. Never again.”

He didn’t let me answer, not that there was anything to say. His lips crashed against mine again until it felt like Cal was trying to climb inside me, and I wanted him to more than anything.

Cal pulled his mouth away as he worked a hand between us, opening my tac pants and freeing my cock. His warm, callused palm wrapped around my shaft, and if he hadn’t been holding my body up on the wall, my knees might have gone out from under me. “You’re mine, goddamn it. Mine.”

His teeth scraped along my neck, stopping to suck hard at the spot where a claiming bite would go, and I arched off the wall into his touch. Cal’s other hand moved between us, and he freed his own rock-hard dick. He let me go and spit into his palm before wrapping it around both our shafts.

I grabbed for his ass, holding him close and holding on for the ride as his hand worked us both to the brink. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was just because it was Cal or the fact that anyone could stumble across us at any second, but I needed to come so badly it almost hurt.

“Cal.” His name was a plea on my lips. In all our past encounters, I’d been the aggressor, the one holding him down while we fucked, but in this moment, I was at his mercy, and the high of being with him like this was making my vision white out around the edges.

His mouth found mine, biting at my lip until it hurt, and I knew he’d drawn blood. It wasn’t the bite I wanted, but I’d take what I could get. Cal worked our cocks faster, precum easing theslide some but not enough to fully erase the dry bite of pain, and I loved it, reveled in it. His teeth found my neck, and he bit down, not hard enough to break the skin, not hard enough to claim, but enough to make him growl and shudder as I came. He came a heartbeat later, but he kept moving his hand along our spent cocks like he was afraid to let go until the aftershocks pulsing through my dick stopped.

Cal let go and stepped back just enough to bring his cum-covered hand to his mouth. He licked away every drop, then kissed me, sharing the taste of our cum. This kiss was different. The ferocity was gone, replaced by something I wasn’t ready to name. When Cal pulled back, his eyes were wet and shining.

He pushed off the brick wall and tucked himself away while I did the same, and then he spun back to look at me, his expression wrecked.

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