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I jolted upright. “What was—?”

“Get off me! Let me go!”

I took off, bursting out of the room and racing down the stairs. “Meli? Meli!”

He stood in the entrance—so still and silent, I almost didn’t register him as a threat until I saw the coudarian crystal sharpened into a blade... pressed to her throat.

I skidded to a halt. Grabbing the banister saved my feet flying out from under me and dropping me on the steps.

“Okay,” I said slowly. Calmly. “Let’s all just stop and take a breath. You don’t want to hurt her.”

His lips peeled back from his teeth, snarl bleeding through.

“Put down the crystal.”

“You don’t give the orders anymore,” Kirwan hissed. “Not without a stolen princess’s face. How did you do it? Huh!?” He clamped harder on a struggling Meli, making her cry out. “Was it a trick from the beginning? All of it a plot to bring about my downfall!”

“Don’t be absurd, you narcissistic kakka!” I shouted back just as loud. “Not everything is about you— Actually, nothing I do is for or about you! I saved my mother and sister, and should your downfall have come about as a result...” I shrugged, my smirk nasty. “That was just a happy accident.”

“Lies. Whenever that disgusting, siren’s mouth opens, nothing but lies and destruction falls out.” Kirwan’s eyes were bright with rage. “It’s the greatest regret of my life that I didn’t run you through with my sword the first time I laid eyes on you.”

I barely heard a word the bastard said. My attention was fixed on Meliora and the weapon at her throat. A pinprick of blood smeared on her neck where it cut her.

“Where are the children?” I mouthed to her.


“Can you break free? Stomp his foot then—”

“What are you two doing!” Kirwan hauled her screaming out of the entrance, ducking into the side hall.

“Hey,” I cried, chasing after them. “What do you want! Why can’t you leave us alone?”

Kirwan stumbled against the wall, fighting to hang onto his struggling captive. He wrenched her head to the side so she couldn’t communicate with me anymore. “What do I want?! You destroyed everything,” he roared. “The king stripped me of my land, home, and title. He seized my vault. He sentenced me to execution for treason! I have nothing because of you!”

I couldn’t have glared at him with less sympathy if I tried. “And what, Kirwan? Threatening your own daughter will get all of that back? Come now, you’re smarter than this. You somehow managed to get away from the palace guards. Stop wasting time, let her go, and make your escape from Lyrica.”

He smiled, and the shiver it sent up my spine stood my neck hairs on end.

“I’m not going anywhere, bitch, because I’m not threatening my daughter. I’m threatening your sister.” His grin widened. “Here’s how things stand, I didn’t get away from the palace guards, they were murdered.Slaughtered. Undoubtedly your doing.”

My doing? What was this madman talking about!

“They left the bodies next to my cell, so I took the keys and escaped. But not to save myself. I tried to stop them! Save my people, but it was too late for anyone else. Your dogs have overrun the palace and the streets, but that’s fine,” he hissed, talking mostly to himself. “I can make it right. I’ll be Lyrica’s savior, her leader, and—thanks to you giving me such a brilliant idea—her king.”

I goggled at him. “What are you ranting about? You’re insane!”

“Silence! For once in your life, keep your worthless mouth closed!”

“Ahh!” Meliora screamed as the crystal cut deeper. Blood flowed freely down her neck.

Balled fists shaking, I bit hard on my lip—falling silent.

Kirwan laughed. “Finally. So this is what it takes to keep your tongue in your head? Just like I knew it would.” He sobered quickly. “Now listen up. You’re going to get every jewel, every chalice, every bit of your stolen loot, put them in sacks, and bring them to me. I’ll need coin to recruit the soldiers needed to take back Lyrica.

“And I’ll need you.”

My forehead crumpled but I didn’t speak, gazing at Meli.His mind has snapped. How do I get my sister away from him?

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