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“I don’t— Ah!” A hand grabbed my ankle and slid me across the bed, depositing me gaping beneath him.

Slowly, deliberately, Alisdair ran a finger down the length of my body—from my neck to the crown of my thighs, parting my robe.

The fabric fell to the sides, exposing me to his cold eyes—something that’s happened every night since I met the man, but that night, I shivered under his gaze.

Dropping down, Alisdair pressed a light, tickling kiss to my ankle, then continued the trail—dropping soft pecks along my leg, knee, and up my thigh—coming to my slit where he passedover and went to the other thigh, and gifted it the same tender treatment.

I was wide-eyed and still, afraid to move and break whatever spell he was under. Where was the man who barked at me to put my ass up, then took me before I had the chance?

Alisdair rose over me, cupping the back of my head. I gasped as he kissed me—a slow, tender creation that parted my lips with the softest nip, and invited my tongue to dance—unhurried and teasing.

I didn’t have to search my memory. This was the first Alisdair had ever kissed me in this way. He rarely kissed me at all, but when he did, he was rough, fierce, and passionate. I felt like I was in a hurricane, clinging to the ground by a blade of grass.

But this kiss... felt like we were both in that hurricane, but Alisdair was holding me. Protecting me. Anchoring me through the storm.

Eyes so cold. Words so harsh, but his lips were soft and warm. They banished my hate, anger, and fear, leaving nothing behind, except me and Alisdair.

He guided me onto the pillows, our bodies and mouths still connected. I’d never drunk to excess before, though I had to believe this is what it was like. My head spun. Pulse raced. Breaths quickened. I felt clear and silly at the same time. Like I was about to jump off a cliff without wings, but the joy of falling through the air was worth the end.

His tongue tangled with mine, inviting me to play. I moaned as he caressed me, his hands trailing up and down my body, and I was suddenly sure that this was nothing like being drunk. If wine gave this feeling, no one in the land would set down a bottle.

Fingers tickled me, skating higher along my thigh and slipping between. I dropped my knee, making clear what I wanted him to do.

Breaking from me, he brushed a kiss on the tip of my nose. “You are perfection, intelligence, and ferocity itself. To bask in your presence is to be humbled. To delight from your lips is to slip between the veil and walk through the meadows of Meya itself.”

“Ug—” I got out, throat restricting. What did one say to words so beautiful? And what did they say when those words came from their terrible, beastly husband? Did he mean them?

Did I want him to?

Alisdair brushed over my lower lips, and kept going—chuckling at my grunt of irritation. He seemed to just want to touch me. Soak in every inch of my body.

Her body, a quiet voice broke in.It’s the famed beauty of the east who he admires. Not the little wretch from the gutter.

“Don’t frown, my queen,” he said, trapping my gaze. “When you do, I’m forced to remove that frown by any method necessary—usually sexual.”

I giggled, making him laugh in return.

“That was easy.” Alisdair lifted his hand and a starflower appeared on his fingers. He tucked it behind my ear, smiling at me. I couldn’t say how I knew, but it was a true smile.

Alisdair bent and kissed the ghost of a laugh still on my lips, then he kissed my cheek, my nose, my lids, everywhere—dropping sweet gifts on my soft skin.

My skin started heating, beading sweat on my neck and stomach. My breaths came too fast, heaving my chest, and straining to contain my pounding heart. What was this? How was he doing this?

Alisdair captured my lips again and I moaned, limbs melting like ice in a land with sun.

Breaking away, Alisdair rose up on his knees and draped my legs over his thighs.

I pressed my palm to his heart, wondering if it beat as hard as mine. Wondering if it beat.

But there was nothing there. He hadn’t returned his heart to his chest. He was still keeping it far away from me.

“Another frown?” Alisdair gently smoothed the line between my brow. “I will banish it for good.”

He kissed me again—hard. The sudden fierce and fiery kiss sent my heart galloping away, chasing a moan from my lips. I broke from him gasping. My vision spun as his mouth moved lower, leaving nipping, teasing kisses down the valley of my breasts to my tender stomach. Alisdair flipped me over, continuing his path one by one, kiss by kiss down the ridges of my spine. I arched like a cat—pleasure rippling goose bumps over my skin.

My excitement built as he moved lower, lower, low—

Growling, Alisdair buried between my legs—tasting me with abandon. I gasped on a cry, eyes rolling up in my head.

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