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The predator stalked closer. “Is that so?”

“You’ve gotten everything your way, but not me.”

“Hmm.” He moved around the headboard. His voice rolled over me, shivering my spine. “I seem to recall having you my way last night, and the night before that, and three times the night before that.”

“Not anymore,” I rushed. “You wanted a mate, Lumenfell. A queen to rule and wage war by your side. A partner to have and raise your babies. You burned your promises to me on your soul, and now it’s time for you to deliver. By day I am your queen, but at night, you’re my husband. Act like it. Seduce me, woo me, tempt me, flirt with me, compliment me.”


“And if you do, I’ll—” I blinked, the words halting on my lips. “What?”

“I said no. You’re speaking utter nonsense, woman, as usual.”

As usual?!

“What reason have you to say no to me? I bet you wouldn’t say no to Bradach.”

“You—” His face crumpled. “Bradach? What on earth are you talking about? What does he have to do with this?”

“Don’t give me that. I know everything. I see the way you laugh, joke, and touch him. I see how he laughs, jokes, and touchesyou. I know he’s your companion.”

Alisdair’s eyes blew wide, jaw slackening. I’d never seen that look on his face. I don’t think anyone’s had for a thousand years. “He’s my— Don’t be absurd!”

“You’re absurd if you think you’re going to lie to me now. Bradach told me himself. He’s your right hand, your most trusted advisor, your sage counsel, your truest comrade, and your closestcompanion.” I smiled at him in equal parts irritation and triumph. “Are you calling Bradach a liar?”

“Unreservedly and without hesitation,” he dropped, tone flat. “That fool is none of those things to me. He’s only bold enough to say otherwise because he’s proven extraordinarily difficult to kill,” he gritted. “Blast him and those fucking wings.”

My jaw worked. “Oh.”

While it made me feel marginally better to know he wasn’t denying me because he preferred someone else’s company, it was hard to swallow that the only reason Alisdair Shadowsoul had a friend... was because he hadn’t figured out how to kill him yet.

I cleared my throat, shaking away the thought. “Well, then, if that’s the case, you have no reason to say no. Woo me, husband.”

He snorted. “I have no reason to say yes. I fulfill my husbandly duties to perfection nightly. I cater to your pleasure above my own—as is the Wind and Wild way. I do not let you sleep until you’ve completed at least four times. I ensure you can’t walk in the morning for limping. Beyond that, I’ve bestowed my protection on you, making sure my enemies dare not lay a hand on you, and I waste considerable time teaching you to fight and rule my country.

“No other husbandly duties are required of me.” Alisdair ripped off his clothes. “Now hands and knees. Head down. Ass up.”

My jaw worked but nothing came out. I didn’t know where to begin. Marking me was to protect me? It wasn’t to cheat or makeit harder for me to run? Was that true? Could I possibly believe it was? But more importantly, did he just say putting my pleasure above his own was no more than a faeriken custom? Did that mean he didn’t enjoy his nights with me? Why did the thought of that cut as deep as him saying every minute he spent with me—teaching me to rule and fight—was a waste of his time?

Why would this man put any effort into winning me? He already had a pet. He didn’t need a wife.

I turned away, my lips pressed tight to stop them trembling. “You’re right,” I rasped, drawing up my robe. “Just forget it.”

“What’s this?” he demanded. “What’s happened?”

“Nothing happened.” I blew out the candle on the nightstand. “You win, okay? I ran, you caught me. Let’s just go to bed.”

“No, you’re crying. Why are you doing that?”

I hurriedly wiped my eyes. “I’m not crying, I’m tired. It’s been a long day, and I wouldn’t want you towasteany more time on me.”

A heavy silence filled the room.

“I see,” he said. “Very well. I will seduce you.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Prepare yourself, woman.”

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