Page 23 of Pawn Of The Gods

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“I’m on your side,” he said. “I will help you save your mom, but we’ve got to be more careful than we’ve ever been. Olympian monsters aren’t mindless animals. They’re quick, clever, ruthless, and some are children of gods too. If they’re planning something, it’ll mean disaster for not just my world but all of them. It’ll mean death.

“I may not know exactly what they plan to do, but I do know this. They want demigods—each and every one—dead.” I gazed into impossible eyes—swirling with lightning, storms, and crashing waves. “And if we die, the gods die. And if the gods of all that is or ever was die... well then, so does everything else.”

If there was something to say in response to that, I didn’t know what it was.

Alexander was wrong. I did not realize what he did.

My gaze drifted down to the bracelet.

I didn’t know what I was walking into at all.

Chapter Four

Alexander and I were back at the tree where we first met by way of surprise attack.

He took out another small vial. The liquid inside was blue. “Here, you first. Drink half.”

I made no move to take it. “What is it?”

“Another potion. It tastes like boiled banana peels and old shoes, but it’ll let us go through the barrier.”

I hesitated, but only for a second longer. Yes, I just met Alexander. Yes, I didn’t know what to believe or what I was walking into. And yes, I was still wearing my hideous brown uniform and didn’t have so much as a toothbrush to take with me to a new, impossible world, but... this was Mom.

I downed half of it and gagged. Alexander was being kind. That nasty thing wished it tasted like banana peels and old shoes. He accepted the vial and drank the rest.

We stood there staring at each other.

“Uhh. Is something supposed to happen now? Because let me tell you right now, if this was all a prank cooked up between you, Dina, and Kylie to make me stand around stupidly in the park, drinking old vomit, then—”

“What are you talking about,sesza?” Laughing, he stepped in close, making me gulp. “Take my hands.”


His grin was doing funny things to my head. My vision was blurring and ears ringing.

“So that we don’t get separated of course. I can’t lose you now.”

Heat licked my cheeks, and the rest of me. Did someone turn the city’s temperature up two hundred degrees?

I more fell on Alexander rather than taking his hands. All of a sudden, my legs wouldn’t hold me up.

“The potion,” I slurred.

“It works fast.” Alexander wrapped his arms around me. “Hold on tight.”

I made to say something, and the world disappeared. In all of a blink, the happy scene of toddlers playing, couples picnicking, and joggers jogging vanished.

Darkness spread out from our feet and swallowed us whole—plunging us spinning, twisting, and falling through a black and empty void.

I screamed my head off.

Head over heels, we tumbled through nothing, throwing my already rebellious stomach into my throat. That hideous potion was nearing a comeback. Just when I couldn’t stand it anymore, cold air smacked me in the face.

We pitched forward out of the abyss into a world of white... and fell.


We dropped out of the sky and landed on a cushioned blanket of cold, kicking up a white cloud.

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