Page 20 of Pawn Of The Gods

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Alexander drew back, but I didn’t. It was a full five seconds with his hands back by his side that I realized it was time to let go.

“Oh, sorry.” I flew back, ducking my head.

“It’s fine.” Amusement laced his voice. “Well, first things first. We’re getting your mom back. That’s a given. Then we’re going to find the bastard who sent those creatures after you two—monster or demigod—and we’re sending them to hades with a sword up their ass. Sound good to you?”

There it was again. Filling my chest to bursting—hope.

“You... You’re really going to help me?” My voice wavered. “You’ll help me find my mom.”

“Of course I will.” A smile so sweet and radiant stretched his lips and about knocked me on my back. “You’ll see when I take you home, Aella. Demigods are family. All of us. We take care of our own.”

“Okay, okay.” My mind was spinning so fast, I couldn’t keep up with my thoughts. But the one thing they were shouting over and over... was that I was getting my mom back. “Let’s go, then. Let’s go now.” I took off.

Alexander stopped me. “We can’t go now. I have to renew the barrier, remember?”

“Oh, right.” I trapped a groan behind my teeth as we left the tree farther behind. I waited all this time and was now walking away from where I needed to go.

“How far away is it?” We walked into a tunnel, blanketing in gloom and losing sight of the tree.

“Not far, but while we walk, you can tell me who your god or goddess is.”

“My what?”

“Your power, Aella. What is it?”

He got another blank stare.

“Come on,” he said, laughing. “You don’t need to know you’re a demigod for your power to manifest. I bet anything you’ve been doing things or making things happen for years that you can’t explain.”


“Say nothing. No one can know your gift, girl. No one!”

I jumped at the sudden shout. Entirely unnecessary since I didn’t even know what I could do.

“I don’t know,” I said. “It must be something that I could easily explain away. Or maybe I don’t have a power.”

“Maybe,” he replied, though he didn’t look convinced. “To the first thing, not the second. You definitely have power. There’s no question you were chosen.”

“Why is there no question?”

“You can always tell a demigod by their eyes. They say it’s the window to the soul, and in our soul is a god.”

I blew a raspberry. “Bullshit. I’ve been looking at my eyes in the mirror every day for my whole life. There’s a big fat load of nothing in there.”

“Let me prove it.” All at once, Alexander was in front of me, bouncing me off his chest when I failed to stop in time. My breath caught in my throat when he grasped my elbows, holding me still. “Look, Aella.” His soft and soothing whisper was nothing like Selene’s. It slipped into my ears and heated me from the inside out. “Really look. Deep in my eyes.”

I looked, blushed, and flicked away. “See? Nothing.”

“You didn’t even try,sesza.” Catching my chin between two fingers, he turned me back. “Look.”

We were so close his exhales ghosted over my lips. My chest molded to his. Only the armor between us kept it from being scandalous. I could count every one of his long lashes and trace a design on his chiseled, sharp cheekbones. But what I wasn’t doing was looking in his eyes. Surely, if I did, he’d use hissupposed demigod power to glimpse more of my thoughts than he should.

Forcing my gaze up, I latched on to his swirling green whirlpools.


The most gorgeous damn eyes there ever were, but was nothing special about—

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