Page 34 of Midnight Rhythm

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You threw my heart in a pine box

My love went deep, six feet

Can’t claw by way back—nowhere left to dance

No drums to beat

With me you buried another chance

There’s no second chance

There’s no second chance

This hole is dark can’t climb out

No matter how hard I bang and shout

Once you gave me a lifeline and a song

Now you’re giving me nothing but gone

After that, I was only staring at the words with a blank head and a heavy soul. I wasn’t sure what this song was. At first, it had been about me and Coleman, but now it felt like it was about my whole life. Drums had saved my life, but now they were slowly being taken away, and that was due to the drumming. Well, and maybe the drugs a little, but it was all fucking wrapped up together like a giant knot that wouldn’t let go no matter what end I tugged.

“Hey, Ziggy.” Coleman sat next to me on the couch. “What? What’s wrong?”

I sniffled and wiped my face. “Hard couple of days. No big deal.” I closed the notebook, but Coleman stared at it. “It’s not ready.”

“Okay. When you are.” He pulled me into his arms and hugged me. “I’m here.”

He felt warm and comforting, like home. Like a home I’d never known. I turned to the side and smooshed my nose into his neck. Maybe I could get through this as long as I had Coleman. I’d never been one to look for this, but in his arms, I felt like snuggling in.

He kissed the side of my head, which he had started doing more of lately. I kind of liked it too. “You have a show to do. Are you up for it? We can have Simon play again.”

“Oh fuck no. Don’t give that kid a bigger head than he already has.” Coleman knew I was kidding. Simon didn’t have that kind of disposition at all. “Seriously, though. I’m good. Just enjoying this for a minute.” I hugged him tighter.

“Mm…well, okay. I like this a lot.”

“Me too.”

When someone pounded on the door, I heard Marci yelling up and down the hall. “Let’s go if you’re going to do it. Soundcheck as soon as you get your ass on stage.”

“Har-har. That’s when all soundchecks should be. No more bullshit about me being late. They start whenever the fuck I get there.”

The doctor met us there as promised. He adjusted everything, which turned out wasn’t a lot, but he said that little bit would make a huge difference. I’d have to trust him on that. He also brought a couple of braces with him and sized me for the best fit. “You only need to wear this when you play. However, since you have a show tonight and it’s new, you may want to wear it for a little while before the show. Maybe an hour or so.”

“Okay. Thanks, doc.” I shook his hand and climbed back behind the kit. We had gone over the changes with Simon and my roadie, Mick, so they knew exactly how to line everything up. We threw in a brace for Simon for the few times he played. He might not need it so much now, but he was a great drummer and would eventually be in his own band.

Randy from Bramble Punk came over and talked to the doc while I took advantage of the extra time we arranged and practiced with the new setup and brace, getting used to the feel.

After a while, I finished up and handed my sticks to Mick. “That feels good.” I looked around but the doctor was gone.

Coleman smiled at me and made his way over. “You like the changes?”

“Yes. I think I already feel better.”

“Good. Randy got a brace and some adjustments, too. You’re doing a great job, leading by example.”

I shrugged off his comment. I was no fucking leader of anything. I just wanted to be able to play without the pain.

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