Page 59 of Inda

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Today had almost turned out very differently. They both knew it. Now, more than anything, she needed to feel alive. She needed Lucas deep inside her, their bodies one, as they gave each other exquisite pleasure.

On exactly the same wavelength, Lucas scooped her up, shut the water off and grabbed a towel. They were hardly dry when he tossed her onto the bed and his heavy body came down, covering hers. Inda couldn’t quite explain how much she loved his hard, naked body pressed against hers, pushing her deeper into the mattress, but it felt like heaven. Every one of her curves seemed to align with each of his hard angles.

Lucas kissed her until she was arching beneath him, her hands tugging his thick, dark hair, her pelvis pushing up against his hard cock and letting him know how very much she needed him. There was a wild desperation in the way their mouths devoured and their bodies writhed.

They were alive, clean, and her need for him eclipsed all else.

“Lucas, please…” She let out a breathy sigh as his mouth lowered and latched onto her taut nipple, teasing the pebbled peak with his tongue and grazing it with his teeth.

“I’m going to taste every inch of you,” he murmured, flicking his tongue over to her other breast. She moaned when his hand took over, molding the flesh in his palm, lightly squeezing, while his lips trailed down, down, down.

Inda’s head dropped back, her thighs opening as his mouth latched onto her soaked pussy. “Jesus,” she cried, bucking beneath him. He nudged her legs further apart with his shoulders, held her hip in place with one hand and moved his other over, sinking his fingers inside her. Moving them in and out, he sucked on her clit, tonguing the underside, and she lost her mind.

With a shout, she let go completely for the first time in her life. Truly let go, handing all of her trust over to the man loving her so thoroughly she almost wept. It wasn’t about control snapping, it was about having a deep faith in her partner. Knowing that he would take care of her and always be there to catch her if she fell.

Spasms racked through her body and she fisted the comforter, riding out the orgasm as Lucas brought her back down to Earth with light, teasing licks.

“Oh…my…God…” She felt like a wet noodle—utterly boneless, but more content than she’d ever felt in her life. “I think I just melted.”

Lucas popped up from between her legs, licked his glistening lips and sent her a sensual, dimpled smile. “Not me,” he rasped, positioning himself between her thighs. “I’m hard as hell.

She tilted her hips up. “Let’s see what we can do about that,” she whispered invitingly, cupping his stubbled face andrunning the tips of her fingers along the grooved dents she loved so much.

The words were barely out of her mouth before he sank deep inside her hot, dripping core. The moment their bodies came together, they both groaned. Nothing had ever felt so right or so damn amazing. The way she expanded around his cock, the way he moved, the way everything else fell away and the only thing she could feel was…

Her heart lurched in her chest.Love.She felt love for this wonderful, heart-wrenchingly beautiful man, and she never wanted to spend another day of her life without him.

“Fuck!” she cried, both at the realization of how she felt and the way her pussy began to clench. That traitor was holding on tightly, not wanting to let Lucas Sheridan or his enormous dick go anytime soon. Waves of pleasure washed over her and she came so hard she saw stars.

Above her, Lucas pounded into her, moving faster and harder now that she’d found her release. His glacier-blue eyes locked onto hers as he came, emptying his hot seed deep inside her. With a shudder, he dropped down, covering her with his heavy body that she loved so much.

His lips brushed the delicate spot where her neck and shoulder met then moved up to her ear and he whispered, “I’m in love with you, Inda Diaz. Head over heels, crazy, stupid, lasso-the-moon-for-you in love. So don’t tell me you aren’t good enough. Because you, more than anyone, deserve love. I just hope you’ll accept mine.”

Instead of freaking out, she tightened her arms around him. “I’m trying. It’s just hard because…what if I’m not who youthink? Or, when you see the real me, you won’t want me any longer. My life hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows, Lucas.”

His head lifted. “You’re exactly who I think—a fierce, loyal, beautiful badass who has trouble trusting because life has thrown her some shitty curveballs. Am I warm?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

He rolled over to the side, turning to face her. “You can talk to me. Your secrets are safe with me,Onça.Always.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

For the first time in her life, Inda felt like she had a safe space to open up. With a sigh, she lifted a mental sledgehammer and broke down the rest of her walls.

“Growing up, it was just me and my mom. But, it wasn’t like the close relationship you had with your mom.”

He brushed her hair back off her shoulder then began trailing his finger up and down her arm. Wrist to elbow…elbow to wrist…The gesture was soothing and she relaxed.

“I told you my dad left before I was born. But he was probably just as bad as all the other losers my mom dated over the years.”

“Well, one thing is certain—he missed out on a wonderful daughter.”

She scoffed. “Anyway, my mom worked all the time, so I was pretty much left on my own. And when she wasn’t working, she was a serial dater. I swear, she claimed to fall in love with a new guy every other week. It made me question what love and relationships really were because of what I was seeing…”

“What did you see?”

“I saw a parade of assholes coming in and out of our house, using and abusing my mother, and there was nothing I could do about it. She didn’t listen to me and always made excuses for them. It got so bad that I pitched a tent and slept in the backyard one entire summer.”

“Bad how?” he asked. His finger stopped trailing along her arm as he steeled himself for her answer.

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