Page 36 of Inda

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Neither said a word. Then he brushed a kiss on her bare shoulder and slid out of bed. He disappeared into the attached bathroom, presumably to take care of the condom, and Inda grabbed the sheet to cover herself. She needed to protect herself and it was going to take more than a flimsy sheet to do the job, but it was a start. She felt like a snail who’d come a little too far out of its shell, and now all she wanted to do was go back inside that hard, safe place where no one could hurt her.

Lucas returned a minute later and climbed back into bed. He didn’t bother covering himself and moved up beside her, laying his head on her pillow so they were facing each other. His hand smoothed her wild hair back off her face and then curved around her jaw.

“You amaze me,” he whispered.

“Me?” she echoed, voice laced in disbelief. “Why?”

“Because you’re strong and beautiful. And I need you to understand something right now.”

“What?” she asked softly.

“I’m not letting you go.” When she opened her mouth to disagree, he covered her lips with his finger. “Nope. There’s nothing you can say to change my mind.”

She pulled back. “Lucas, I’m not the kind of girl who settles down. Not with what I do. It’s impossible.”

“Three of your teammates found a way,” he gently reminded her.

“That’s different.”

“I disagree. We’re going to take these guys down, and then you and I are going to see where this thing between us goes. And that’s it. No arguments.”

“I don’t like being bossed around.”

“Too bad. And, secretly, I think you do like it.”

Her face flushed and her stomach fluttered, but she didn’t tell him differently. Giving up control in bed was new, but, surprisingly, she had enjoyed it.

“You’re much naughtier than I thought,” she whispered.

His dimples popped. “I hope you’re not tired, because I meant what I said about just getting started.”

When his hand disappeared beneath the sheet and slid between her legs, she dropped her head back and moaned. She couldn’t decide if Lucas Sheridan was the biggest problem she’d ever encountered or the best thing that had ever happened to her.

The jury was still out. He still needed to prove himself, and delivering her a few more orgasms could only help his case.


After fucking Inda three more times throughout the night, Lucas was exhausted, but positively glowing the next morning at work. He’d dropped Inda back off at her place earlier that morning and now he was sitting in his office, drinking his hot tea and eating an almond scone from the Honeycomb Café when he received a text on his phone.

“Shit,” he hissed under his breath when he saw the message from Chadwick Carlisle summoning him to his office. It was still early and Inda wasn’t in yet, but he knew she and her team would be interested in whatever Carlisle wanted. Maybe he just wanted to check in, but Lucas had a feeling the man had a job for him to do.

Time to start playing double agent.

Straightening his tie, Lucas took the elevator up to Carlisle’s office on the top floor. His assistant, Angelica, greeted him with a smile.

“Hello, Lucas. You can go right in.”

“Thanks, Angelica.” He pushed the door open and squared his shoulders, ready to hear what Carlisle had to say.

And it was even better than he’d expected.


After returning from the meeting with Carlisle, Lucas sat down at his desk and stared at his cup of tea, now cold, and his thoughts drifted to his mother. Although he’d hated watching her slowly fade away, he took consolation in the fact they had time to prepare for her passing. She hadn’t wanted a traditional funeral, just simple arrangements which had been discussed before her passing. Now he merely had to wait for her ashes to be returned to him.

With a heavy heart, he tried not to think too hard about his beautiful mother being cremated. Instead, he reminded himself that she was no longer in a state of constant pain and she was at peace. Still though, death was a damn hard thing to accept and come to terms with. Maybe one day the loss would ease. He had endless good memories to take comfort in and that’s what he planned on doing.

A flash of movement caught his attention and he glimpsed Inda through the blinds covering his window. Just seeing her made his heart feel lighter. He picked up his phone and dialed her extension.

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