Page 32 of Inda

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The entire day had left Inda feeling off-kilter and unsure. From the moment she discovered Lucas was really Cipher, it was like the ground beneath her feet had tilted precariously then opened up and swallowed her whole.

And now, she was sitting at Lucas’ dying mother’s bedside. She’d been uncomfortable at first, not sure if she should stay. But when his mom opened her eyes—ice-blue eyes Lucas clearly had inherited from her—Inda knew she wasn’t going anywhere. The need to stay by his side and give him the support he needed was as strong of an emotion as she’d ever felt.

When Lucas introduced them, Inda smiled at the other woman. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

Even though Theresa Sheridan’s body was rapidly failing her, Inda quickly realized her mind was still sharp as a tack. She looked curiously from Inda then back to Lucas and a slow grin spread over her face. “You two look good together,” shemurmured in a wheezy voice. Her attention focused on her son. “Don’t screw it up.”

Inda released a nervous laugh and he squeezed her hand. Even at the end of her life, Theresa possessed a positive light that shone brightly and radiated warmly.

“May have already done that, Ma,” he admitted sheepishly. “I don’t know. Jury’s still out.”

“Forgive him,” she told Inda. “Life’s too short. Especially if you love each other.”

Love?Inda’s head spun at the idea. She’d never been in love before, and after what had happened with her own mother, wasn’t sure it was even possible. Men could be so cruel and she didn’t want any part of that. She’d seen too much abuse and heartache at their hands.

But then she thought about the men on her team. Men she loved like the brothers she never had. Romantic love, though, was on a completely different level. And it terrified her. Her mom had thought she’d been in love with all those assholes she’d brought home, and look how that had ended.

After a half an hour, Inda felt her heart breaking for Lucas and his mother. She was fading away right in front of their eyes. It was so hard to watch. Standing up, Inda squeezed his arm and whispered, “I’m going to step out.”

And give you a private moment to say goodbye.

Although she didn’t say it, they both knew what she meant. Lucas forced a nod and, as she walked out, she saw him drop his head against his mother’s side, his big, strong shoulders shaking with silent sobs. It tore her up inside, but she forced her feet tokeep walking. They needed alone time. A moment to let go, to find peace.

Outside of the private room, she slouched against the wall. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks and it took her a moment to realize she was crying. Swiping a hand across her face, she pulled in a shaky breath and sent up a silent prayer for mother and son.

Death always sucked, but losing someone important to you was the hardest thing in the world. Squeezing her eyes shut, Inda remembered the night her mom died. A shiver ran through her body and she immediately shut the memory down. It was just too painful.

Less than ten minutes later, the door to Theresa’s room opened and Lucas stood there looking a little dazed. She was accustomed to seeing him flaunting his dimples and wearing a killer suit, all strength and confidence. But the man standing there right now in worn jeans and a faded T-shirt looked like a lost little boy.

“She’s gone,” he said in a ragged whisper.

When his red-rimmed eyes met hers, Inda’s heart clenched painfully. She met him in two strides and they wrapped their arms around each other. “I’m so sorry, Lucas,” she whispered. There was nothing she could say to truly console him, but she could hold him and offer her strength at a time when he needed it most.

Together, arms looped around each other, they walked back outside and got into the SUV. Inda turned the car on and knew exactly what she needed to do. She was going to drive Lucas home. And she was going to stay the night with him.

Chapter Twelve

Once they reached Lucas’ place, Inda parked the Suburban behind the building and out of view of the main street. Just in case. She didn’t expect any more trouble, but she still planned on going in through the rear entrance. They got out and, without saying a word, he took her hand and guided her up to the back door.

“I want you to spend the night with me,” he said, searching her eyes.

She nodded. “I want that, too.”

Lucas leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers. “Thank you for coming with me,Onça. You have no idea how much it meant. Whatever I can do to help you and your team, I will.”

“I know,” she whispered, cupping his stubbled jaw and brushing her lips against his. Whatever doubts she’d had about him disintegrated under their connection. She’d seen who the man truly was, had glimpsed his heart and soul, and it was a beautiful thing.

Lucas stepped back, punched a code in on the panel and the door buzzed open. They walked down to his apartment and, the moment the door closed behind them, Inda was in his arms, rekindling their kiss. She wasn’t sure what it was, but whensomeone died it made everyone still breathing want to live. And she wanted that. Desperately.

Their mouths latched onto each other’s, tongues delving deep and exploring, almost frantically. The urge to comfort him filled her, and she was ready to do everything in her power to make him feel better. To remind him that he was still alive and very much desired.

Plastering herself against him, Inda reveled in the feel of his firm chest against her breasts. The man was all hard angles and lines, nothing soft about him. When his hands slid over her ass, she jumped up into his arms. He caught her easily, still kissing her deeply as he walked them back to his bedroom.

Just like the rest of the apartment, it was sparse. A simple queen-size bed with a navy bedspread and a nightstand with a softly-glowing lamp. He dragged his mouth away and tossed her onto the bed.

Inda looked up at him, breathing hard. The sadness in his eyes had been replaced by need, and hunger flared in his irises. She’d never seen eyes quite like his before—like two blue crystals, their facets sharp and bright like slivers of ice. A shiver ran through her body as he reached back, grabbed his shirt collar and pulled it over his head.

Seeing him shirtless had been worth the wait. Tanned, firm pecs led down to washboard abs, and her attention zeroed in on the dark trail of hair that disappeared into his waistband.Mmm.She nearly licked her lips as she imagined following that strip to its final destination.

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