Page 3 of Inda

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Exactly one week later, Inda found herself standing in the lobby of C.C. Towers. After checking in with security, she walked over to the elevator and hit the button, nervously fingering the pin on the collar of her suit jacket. Zane had designed it for her with strict instructions to always wear it. The small cursive “L” was the first initial of her codename, Leoa. It also held a chip that scrambled any and all facial recognition software thatmight attempt to read her image. They couldn’t allow her to be recognized by any camera in the office. Or the city, for that matter. Inda had a cover to maintain, and nothing would make her break it.

The elevator door dinged open and she stepped inside, pressing the button for the twenty-fifth floor. Lifting the folder in her hand, she opened it and glanced down at the resume she’d memorized forward and backward. Zane hadn’t exaggerated when he said he was going to make it impossible for them not to call her for an interview. Her impressive experience and talent when it came to being an assistant was surely unmatched. Inwardly, she rolled her eyes. The truth was, she’d make an awful assistant. Sitting behind a desk all day and being a “yes, sir” type of woman didn’t appeal to her in the least.

Inda’s gaze drifted over to the name and phone number she’d scribbled on the page. She was meeting with June Simmons, the HR manager, in ten minutes and she was prepared to dazzle her.

The elevator slid open and Inda stepped out. Like every good operative, she quickly assessed her surroundings, searching for potential threats and looking for exits. Her gaze fell on the mirrored wall and she briefly scanned her appearance, tugging at the bottom of her jacket. She never wore suits, much less a skirt with nylons and heels, so she didn’t feel nearly as comfortable as normal. But, with her long, silky hair pulled back into a low bun, she did feel like a professional. And that was the role she needed to play so she could get hired and start spying on Chadwick Carlisle.

Stepping into the main office, she told the receptionist at the front desk she had an appointment with June Simmons.The young woman nodded and told her to have a seat while she scurried off to let June know that Leoa had arrived.

Leoa.It was a Portuguese name meaning lioness and the nickname for one of Inda’s idols, Amanda Nunes. Widely regarded as the greatest female mixed martial artist of all time, Nunes was the first woman to become a two-division UFC champion. She also was the third fighter to hold UFC titles in two weight classes simultaneously, after Conor McGregor and Daniel Cormier. In other words, she was a badass to the bone and a huge inspiration.

The receptionist appeared a few minutes later and motioned for Inda to follow her down a hallway and past various offices. Once they reached a door marked Human Resources, she reached for the handle, but a deep voice stopped them from entering.

“Thanks, Liz, but I’ll take it from here.”

Inda turned and came face to face with a very broad chest in a suit and tie. Looking up past a strong, clean-shaven jawline and straight nose, her focus landed on the most stunning eyes she’d ever seen. Blue eyes that resembled twin glacier pools ringed in midnight.Oh, wow.Her stomach fluttered. And that was something that hadn’t happened in a very long time. For as much as she teased Brax about needing to get laid, Inda hadn’t slept with a man in…

Oh, hell, far too long.

“June is stuck on a conference call,” he continued smoothly, “so I’ll be conducting the interview. Follow me. Leona, is it?”

“Le-oh-a,” Inda corrected with a smile, turning on the charm. It wouldn’t be too hard to spend the next half hour withthis hot masculine treat. Trying not to lick her lips, she followed him down another hall and to a corner office.

“That’s an interesting name,” he commented, then motioned for her to step inside.

“It’s Portuguese,” she murmured and stepped into the very clean, almost immaculate-looking office. Everything seemed to have a place and clutter was non-existent.

“I’m Lucas Sheridan,” he said and offered his hand.

“Nice to meet you.” The moment their palms touched, fingers brushing, she felt a tingle spear up her arm and zip around her body. The mini electrical storm left her feeling slightly off-balance.

“Have a seat,” Lucas said, finally releasing her hand.

Doing her best to play it cool, Inda sat down, crossed her legs and set her folder on the edge of the desk. She also did her best to pretend this man who she just met hadn’t managed to electrify her lady bits in the most shockingly amazing way.

Keep it together,she told herself. So what if he had insanely gorgeous eyes and possessed a slim, athletic build that she was trying to picture naked? Big deal. Right now, she had a job to do. And it didn’t include ogling Lucas Sheridan.

Although, in between spying on Chadwick Carlisle, it really wouldn’t hurt anything if she did a little harmless flirting with her new friend in HR. Would it?

Inda gave Lucas her most dazzling smile, leaned forward and said, “I look forward to learning more about Carlisle Enterprises. I think it will be a perfect fit for me.”

“Really?” He arched a dark brow then gave her a bright-white smile complete with a set of dimples.

Freaking adorable dimples.They were her weakness. Inda’s stomach fluttered madly and she pulled her focus off the panty-melting dents. As she worked to find anything else to focus on, it occurred to her that Lucas Sheridan might turn out to be a problem.

A really big, majorly colossal, made her want to get naked on a desk with him, freaking-dimpled problem.

Chapter One

Two Weeks Later…

Working undercover at C.C. Towers proved to be an interesting experience, but definitely not something Inda “Bruja” Diaz would ever consider for a permanent career. Sitting at her desk, she dropped her head back, rotating her neck from side to side, and worked the kinks out. The paycheck might be decent, but being stuck behind a desk and staring at a computer screen all day was making her a little bonkers and a lot bored. Normally, she kept active throughout the day, always absorbed in a physical activity that made her work up a sweat. Running, rock climbing, sparring, those were her speed. Sitting on her ass for eight hours a day, not so much. And, honestly, she couldn’t afford to get secretary’s ass or she’d start busting seams.

Nope, being an HR assistant wasn’t for her.

The one thing that made it all very tolerable, though, was the six foot, three inch tall hunk of man who wore a suit better than any model on any catwalk. Rolling her chair over a bit, she tilted her head to catch a glimpse of her new boss, Lucas Sheridan. He was bent over, digging through the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet, and she openly admired his tight ass and long legs.Mmm.Everything about the man made her mouth water.When he straightened up, she quickly turned her attention back to her computer, and stealthily rolled back.

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