Page 14 of Inda

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Messy.Yeah, things were beyond messy. Inda couldn’t stop imagining Lucas peeling her clothes off and fucking her senseless. And that was definitely not part of the plan she’d so meticulously put together. Giving her head a shake, chastising herself for having that extra glass of wine, she licked her salty-sweet lips.

They had just finished the sundae and she knew she had to put an end to their date soon. Otherwise, she’d be tempted to go home with him, and that couldn’t happen. The fuck me eyes they’d been swapping all night had to stop.

Clearing her throat, Inda picked up the empty dish and sticky napkins. As she walked over to toss them in the trash can, she felt Lucas’ hot gaze on her, following every sway of her hips. The idea that he had his eyes on her ass made her put an extra shake in each step. Just for him.

God, she was bad.

After depositing the trash, she turned back around and his gaze lazily moved up. Their eyes locked as she strolled back over and, even though the outside eating area was packed and people were everywhere, everyone but Lucas faded away. Right in the middle of everything, they shared a moment.

When she reached Lucas, he stood up and blinked, and the world came crashing back. Neither said anything. They turnedaway from the crowded waterfront and walked back through Ghirardelli Square, entering the more quiet courtyard of the Cannery.

Once they were around the corner, safely out of sight, Lucas grabbed her hand and tugged her into a dim recess between buildings. He spun her around, pressing her back against the cool brick wall, and slammed his mouth against hers.

Should she be kissing her boss like her life depended on it? Probably not. But she couldn’t stop and, technically, if she were splitting hairs, he wasn’t really her boss. Or, more accurately, he was her temporary boss. A means to an end.

Oh, God, stop analyzing it, Diaz,she reprimanded herself. Just enjoy how desired he’s making you feel.

Because that was a feat no man had managed in years.

Unable to resist, she slid her fingers through his hair and arched into him. Their kiss deepened, tongues tangling, and he tasted like caramel.Mmm.Wrapping a leg around his calf, pushing her hips against his, she almost whimpered at the way their bodies fit together. Dangerously perfect.

That wasn’t the only thing that was dangerous. His hard cock pressed right where she wanted it, needed it, and her normally rational mind began to reel.

For several long, dizzying moments, they feasted on each other. All lips, tongue, teeth and rocking hips. The sound of kids laughing as they walked around the corner ruined the moment and they jerked away from each other.

Breathing hard, Inda looked up into Lucas’ passion-addled baby blues. She’d been one step away from giving in and goinghome with him, but the approaching tourists had rattled her back to reality. Despite the insane attraction, Lucas Sheridan was off-limits.

Just keep telling yourself that.

He raked a hand through his hair, making it even more disheveled than her fingers had a moment earlier.

“I’m not the kind of woman who sleeps with her boss,” she told him.

He studied her intently, blue flames licking his irises. “You’re fired,” he deadpanned.

Cute.“I also don’t fall into bed with a man on the first date.”

“I can respect that.”

He reached for her hand, lifted it and pressed an open-mouthed kiss against her wrist. Her pulse went haywire when he flicked his tongue against the sensitive skin there.

Was he trying to make her lose her mind?

Inda’s stomach fluttered madly, the butterflies diving straight down and landing in her pussy with a delicious ripple. As much as she wanted to go back to Lucas’ place and indulge, she couldn’t.

“What’re we going to do about this—us?” she asked. Once again, the area around them became quiet.

“How about we just enjoy the moment.” He released her wrist, cupped her face and kissed her again.

Melting into him, she opened her mouth and let herself be devoured. Holy shit, the man knew how to kiss. For the first timein her life, Inda felt her knees go weak. After indulging longer than she should, she broke away.

“I have to go.” Her voice sounded breathless. Nothing like her normal tone.

His mouth edged up and he let the dimples loose, further weakening her resolve.So not fair.They were like armor piercing bullets, shredding right through her protective layers and puncturing her heart.

“Those dimples won’t work,” she said.

He arched a dark brow and smiled even bigger. “You like my dimples?”

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