Page 13 of Inda

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“You mentioned thanking Mr. Carlisle for helping you get the job,” Lucas said, shifting in his chair, trying to get comfortable with his dick pressing against the zipper of his jeans.

“That’s right,” she replied easily.

“So he’s a friend of the family…” He let his voice trail off, pressing for more information, curious to see what lie she’d concoct.

But, she only nodded then turned her attention to a passing waiter, pointing to her empty wine glass. “Can I get another?”

“Me, too,” he added. If sex wasn’t in the forecast, he was going to need alcohol to get through this dinner. Because Inda was getting under his skin, making him want her like he’d never wanted another woman before. It was disconcerting.

Before he could get back to Carlisle, the appetizer arrived and something between them shifted. Lucas felt less wary and allowed his guard to drop a little. He wanted to blame it on the wine consumption, but the truth was, he was having fun. The woman across from him was absolutely fascinating. Sitting back in his chair, he listened to Inda talk about all the adventurous things she’d done and still wanted to do. From his research, he knew she wasn’t bullshitting him. She was an adrenaline junkie.

“I really want to scale some boulders out in the desert. Hopefully, I can get a quick trip in at some point—maybe Utah. I hear they have amazing climbing there. What do you do to relax?” she asked, munching on the charcuterie tray they were sharing.

He chuckled. “Well, it certainly doesn’t involve climbing rocks or swimming with sharks.”

“You’d love it,” she insisted.

“Doubtful. My idea of relaxing is an evening on the couch, surfing the internet, watching some Netflix. Spending time with friends.”

“That sounds nice. A little safe maybe, but nice.”

“You’re quite the daredevil, huh?”

“I’ve never thought of myself as a daredevil, but now that you mention it, I suppose I do like a little danger now and then.”

Talk about the understatement of the century.

“Ever shoot a gun?”Or murder someone?

“When I was in the Army.”

He arched a brow even though he knew all about her years of military service. “Aren’t you full of surprises?”

“Oh, you have no idea.”

Before he could respond, their dinner arrived.Perfect timing.They ate and flirted, and their banter flowed effortlessly, soon becoming laced with suggestive double entendres. So many that Lucas was getting hot under the collar. Maybe hot in his pants was a more accurate description, and he couldn’t stop shifting in his seat, trying to get comfortable, but it was impossible. By the time the waitress asked if they wanted dessert—which they skipped—their insane chemistry was bubbling over like some explosive science project gone amok.

He’d tried to trip her up a few times during their conversation, but they’d both been careful not to reveal anything too personal. Except when he told her about his mom being sick, neither of them mentioned their families. Even talk about past employment had been surface level. Inda was just too smart to feed into his plan. She easily evaded any questions that were too pointed and had a way of turning them back around on him.

Despite all that, Lucas had to admit his date with Inda was the best he’d ever had. Figures. The one woman he couldn’t pursue turned out to be the only one he wanted.

After eating, feeling slightly tipsy from all the wine they’d drunk, they decided to go for a walk along the water. God knew, Lucas needed the cool air to clear his head. It was currently full of floating hearts, pixie dust and enough white-hot lust to light up the entire San Francisco skyline.

Their stroll along the water brought them to the front of Ghirardelli. “How about some dessert?” Lucas asked.

“I can’t say no to this place.”

Lucas pulled the door open, holding it while Inda stepped inside. The shop was jam-packed with tourists buying the famous chocolate squares and ordering the confectioner’s decadent ice cream sundaes. They got in line and decided to split the Ocean Beach Sea Salt Caramel Sundae. Once Lucas paid, they wandered around the store, waiting for their order and nibbling on the offered samples.

“This place is dangerous,” Inda said, biting into a chocolate square. “I’m going to keel over from a sugar coma.”

Lucas chuckled as a server called out his name. “Sounds like our sundae is ready.”

Without thinking, he placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her back over to the counter. “Grab two spoons and napkins,” he said. “I have a feeling things are about to get messy.”

If only he knew just how messy.

Chapter Five

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