Page 64 of Brighter than Gold

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“So, you want to set me up with a guy who lives over 1,000 miles away?” She rolled her eyes. “What sense does that make?”

“It makes more sense to have a long-distance relationship than nothing at all.”

Everly stifled a groan as the lecture started yet again.

“Honey, don’t get upset. It just makes me sad that you’re still alone. All of your friends have gotten married and are on their second or third baby by now.”

“Thanks for reminding me, Mom. Why don’t we talk about how my thirtieth birthday is coming up, too? Or, how my eggs are drying up? How I’ll never find love because I don’t try? Well, maybe I did try, Mom, and he didn’t want me!”

Oops.Oh, shit, she did not mean for that to spill out.

“Who didn’t?” she asked.

“Nobody. Never mind. Look, I have to get back to work.”

“Okay, but please just think about dinner on Saturday. You may be pleasantly surprised.”

“Yeah, okay. Talk to you later.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too,” Everly said and hung up. Damn, it was hard staying mad at her Mom when all she wanted was Everly’s happiness. But, the constant pushing aggravated the holy hell out of her. Not everyone was meant to get married and pop out babies and she was just fine with that.

Everly texted Tessa:My Mom is playing matchmaker again. Can we please make sure I’m busy Saturday evening?

A moment later, Everly’s phone buzzed with a return text:Haha! Of course-- there’s this new jazz club I wanted to check out.

“Perfect,” Everly mumbled and sent a smiley face back. At least now she wouldn’t have to sit through an awkward dinner.

She supposed if she was being totally honest with herself, shedidwant to fall in love. At this point, though, she wasn’t sure if she ever would. If it hadn’t happened by now, was it even possible? Her best years were slipping away and, in all reality, she’d probably wind up as a lonely old lady living in a nursing home because she had no family of her own to care for her.

God, that was a depressing thought.

Still, though, to find a man who she loved and who loved her…

Even if it didn’t last, the experience of it all held an appeal. Because until now, Everly’s experience in the bedroom was a joke and beyond embarrassing. She’d always been a late-bloomer so when she’d finally had sex for the first time, she had been drunk at a college party her senior year.

The experience never made her want to rush into that again any time soon so she hadn’t. It had been fast, uncomfortable and involved zero pleasure on her end. That had been nine years ago and other than random dates and a string of meaningless kisses over the years, she hadn’t slept with anyone else.

Until Professor Andrew Gaines.

As Everly’s mind recalled the details of their brief affair, she couldn’t remember ever feeling satisfied by sex with him, either. She couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong with her? Tessa had asked her if Andrew gave her butterflies. When Everly didn’t answer right away, Tessa had laughed and said there wasn’t anything to think about.

Obviously, he didn’t.

Yes, she was definitely missing butterflies.

And, Everly was scared that no man she’d ever meet would have that power. To make her stomach somersault with one, heated look that would make her insides melt.

Chapter Two

Christ, it was so fucking hot.

Chase Ford felt like he was melting as sweat rolled down his temples within the confines of his helmet. He slammed the accelerator down, shifted and glanced into the rearview mirror. They were coming up on the final turn now and it was just the two of them. Him and his racing nemesis, Ty Dryden.

Suddenly, the track seemed to split in front of him and Chase jerked the wheel, tires squealing as he pumped the brakes. Dryden followed him right when he should’ve gone left and Chase saw the side wall roar up at 150 miles per hour.

That split-second image of the concrete wall screaming toward him was forever ingrained in his mind.

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