Page 62 of Brighter than Gold

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He pulled out his phone to show he’d already smuggled a picture of their map laying on the bar.Hollis smothered a laugh and shook her head in amazement.

“When did you even take that?”

“Earlier. They’ve been talking about it all night.”

“Scoundrel,” she said and smiled.

“You got that right, Doll. And, you do realize, that the rules are a little different if we find buried pirate treasure,” Dylan said with a mischievous look.

“Finders Keepers.”

“That’s right. And, since I have the map, I might be able to offer you, say-- 10 percent?”

Hollis placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head. “Fifty. I’ve got the boat.”

“Ah, don’t remind me. May theFortune & Gloryrest in peace.”

They both knocked on the bar and smiled. Dylan turned toward her, yanked her stool closer and caught her between his long legs. “Partners?” he asked, brown eyes glowing, hands on her hips.

Hollis reached up, touched the side of his face. “Partners.”

Just as that crooked grin began to appear, Hollis pulled him down and they kissed amid the swelling jazz music.

When they finally pulled apart, his eyes danced as he leaned in and murmured, “On to the next adventure…”

And, Hollis couldn’t have agreed more or said it any better.

I hope you enjoyed Dylan and Hollis’s story, the first book of the Fortune Seekers series. Next up, get to know Dylan’s brother Chase much better and the woman who captures his heart. Happy reading!

Preview:The Brilliance of You (Fortune Seekers Book 2)

Chapter One

Everly LeBlanc shoved a hand through her long dark hair, looked at the large stacks of paperwork spread across her desk and sighed. She loved her job as a research assistant at the University of New Orleans, but sometimes the work never seemed to end or ease up. She reached for her mug for a much-needed sip of coffee and realized it was already empty.

Damn.That meant she had to walk down to the kitchen for a refill.

Normally, she wouldn’t mind getting up and stretching her legs, but ever since she had been stupid enough to date a co-worker which, of course, ended up badly, she dreaded running into him. In fact, she did everything in her power to avoid Professor Andrew Gaines.

God, what a mistake.Andrew was the toast of the department and had caught every female’s eye, so when he had turned his attention on her, Everly felt flattered. For a short time, he made her feel special.

Now, he made her feel like shit.

Grr.She wanted more coffee, needed the caffeine jolt on this Monday morning, and she refused to let Professor “Asshole” Gaines make her hide in this small closet-of-an-office all day. Gathering her courage, Everly stood up, smoothed her skirt down and walked out.

The kitchen was at the very end of the hall which meant she had to pass by his office. Everly glanced at the slim watch on her wrist and saw it was nearly 10am. If she was lucky, maybe he’d be in a meeting and the door would be closed.

Shoulders back, spine straight, Everly walked with all the confidence she could muster. Her high heels clicked along the hardwood floor and her mug dangled from her hand. But, the closer she got to Andrew’s office, the more anxious she grew.

The door was open.Of course, it was.

Everly grit her teeth and hurried past, refusing to look inside. When she reached the kitchen, she released a sigh and sagged against the counter. It had been like this for the last few months. Ever since he had ghosted her. It didn’t take long for her to figure out he had been seeing her and Madeleine Hebert, another colleague, at the same time.

Obviously, he chose Madeleine over her. And, it hurt.

Luck in love was something that Everly did not experience.Ever.At 29, she’d never had a serious relationship or known what it was like to hear a man say he loved her. The only experience she had when it came to love was the unrequited kind. Whether the timing was off or the feelings were unreciprocated, things just never worked out.

It got to the point where Everly decided to give up. Despite the fact that her mother would probably die of a broken heart if she didn’t produce grandchildren for her. Then, Andrew suddenly began to pay all kinds of attention to her. He was attractive in a scholarly sort of way, especially when he wore his glasses, and he was older. Everly assumed that a man who was 42 wouldn’t play games when it came to dating and a potential relationship.Ha.Boy, had she been wrong.

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