Page 50 of Brighter than Gold

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With a dry cloth, he wiped the sides and top. The latch, rusted shut, remained stubborn to his prying, arthritic fingers so he picked up a small mallet and chisel and began to gently pound away.

After a moment, the latch released. Diamond set the tools down and took a deep breath. Then, he lifted the lid and his eyes widened.

“Oh, my God,” he whispered.

Behind him, a shadow raised a heavy vase and then slammed it down between Diamond’s shoulder blades. With a groan, Diamond dropped forward in a heap.

Tony reached down and plucked out the Rosary that laid on a velvet cloth amidst a pile of gold coins. Instead of normal beads, emeralds set in Incan gold winked in the lamplight. A wicked smile curved Tony’s face as he pocketed the priceless artifact.

“Thanks, Dad,” he said.


After the funeral, Dylan and Hollis spent the afternoon together on his boat. In bed. When someone died, it made others want to embrace the fact that they were still alive. And, Dylan and Hollis embraced it over and over again until they were exhausted and satiated in each other’s arms.

“I want a better look at that tattoo above your ass,” Dylan said and flipped Hollis over. She squealed, now on her stomach, and felt Dylan’s fingers trail over the design.

She had a dive flag on her lower hip. The red background had a white diagonal stripe through it and the artist had given the edges a worn, tattered look. Scuba divers flew the flagto show boaters and everybody on top of the water that there were divers below.

It was a clever design and he liked it a lot. “Hmm, I may have to add one like this to mine,” he murmured and began to drag his mouth over it.

“Copycat,” she said and arched up beneath his roaming mouth.

With a growl, Dylan spun Hollis back over and kissed her thoroughly. “I could stay in bed with you all day,” he said, dropping kisses all over her face.

“You’re an insatiable pirate,” she said. “Anyone else would’ve run out of steam hours ago.”

“Oh, I’ve got plenty of steam for you, Doll. A never-ending supply.”

As Dylan nuzzled his face into her fragrant hair, she wrapped her arms around him and sighed. She’d never felt this good in her life. Dylan had gone from someone she considered her enemy to her lover. The overwhelming feelings she had for him left her head spinning.

Hollis drew back and cupped his face in her hands. A face that was becoming more beloved each day. When their dark eyes connected, it was so much more than just that. They both felt it on a deep, soul-level. An indescribable need for each other that was more than just physical. A need that hit every molecular level of their beings.

“I spent so much time running away from you,” Hollis said. “And, now I know that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“I’m glad you finally saw the light,” Dylan said with his trademark grin.

Hollis ran a finger over his crooked smile. “Scoundrel.”

“Scoundrel, pirate...anything else?”

Hollis kissed his high cheekbone. “Rogue.” Then, she pressed her lips to his arched eyebrow. “Trickster.” She dropped a kiss on his nose. “Blackguard.” Her mouth touched his jawline. “Cur.”

“Okay, okay,” he said with a laugh.

“Oh, I’m not done yet. Cad, rapscallion-”

“Oh, I’ll show you rapscallion,” he said and pulled her closer. Then, before she could say another word, he silenced her with his mouth.

Later, after Dylan whipped them up a quick meal of stir-fry to recharge their batteries, Hollis leaned her elbows on the table and frowned. “Why hasn’t Diamond called? He must’ve gotten the chest open by now.”

“Give him a call.”

Hollis gave Dylan a nod and reached for her phone. But, when she dialed Diamond’s number, it just rang and rang.

A strange feeling settled over her. Something didn’t feel right and she tried calling again, but still no answer.

“I have a bad feeling, Dylan,” Hollis said. “Run over with me?”

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