Page 27 of Brighter than Gold

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“So, I don’t really want to embarrass myself.”

“When in Cuba…”

Hollis looked from Dylan’s proffered hand to the crowded dance floor. She did want to go out there. Something about the music drew her, but she had never been a very good dancer. “Oh, fine,” she relented and placed her slim hand in his. She was never one to shy away from a challenge.

The moment their fingers touched, it was like a jolt zinged through each of them. Hollis tried to ignore it as Dylan laced his long fingers through hers and led her toward the dance floor. He pulled her to the center and, all around them, couples swayed and moved to the beat.

Unsure what to do, Hollis waited for Dylan’s lead. He laid his hands on her hips and when he pulled her closer, her stomach somersaulted. She got a whiff of his scent which had grown on her fast.Too fast.That tangy combination of salty ocean air and a clean bar of soap which made her knees weak.

Hollis swallowed hard and looked up at the light growth of dark scruff along his jawline. Her heart tripped in her chest and she ran her hands up and around his neck. God, he felt so strong and hard. Her eyes slid shut as her hips swayed to the rhythm of the song, and she felt the pressure of his hands there, as though they left heated imprints through her clothes and scorched her skin.

Dylan watched Hollis closely and he felt the moment when she seemed to melt in his arms. He let his palms glide over her hips and circle around to her back, settling in the low curve above her ass. God, he wanted to dip them down further, but he didn’t dare. Instead, he focused on her brilliant red hair and how it seemed to glow beneath the lights.

Lost in the moment, their bodies pressed closer, and Dylan struggled not to fall apart when her coconut scent filled his nostrils.Fuck. He wanted to eat her up just like the coconut tart they’d shared for dessert. He had a feeling she’d taste just as sweet.

Enough. Dylan pulled back, grabbed her hand and spun her out. Her dark eyes widened and then she laughed when he dragged her back into his arms and dipped her. As he slowly brought her back up, their gazes locked, something hot and undeniable flickered between them.

And, neither could ignore it.

They stood there for a long moment, wrapped in each other’s arms and caught in each other’s eyes. They didn’t even realize the music had stopped until they were the only ones left on the dance floor.

Dylan dragged his gaze away and glanced at the area where the musicians were taking a quick break. “The music stopped,” he said in a low voice.

It took a moment, but Hollis snapped out of her little trance. Then, she took his hand and led him over to the musicians.

“What’re you up to?” he asked.

“I want to hear you play,” she said.


“Excuse me,” she said and instantly got the full attention of every one of the male musicians. “Any chance he can borrow your piano for a minute?”

They looked at Dylan. “Sorry, but once she gets something in her head...” He shrugged a large shoulder.

“You play?” one asked.

“I do.”

“Have a seat,” the piano player said and stood up.

Dylan gave Hollis a look that said he would get her later then dropped down in front of the piano. He interlaced his fingers, stretched them and felt right at home. Then, he played a quick set of notes, long fingers moving with an ease and lightness that bespoke years of practice.

As she watched the music pour from his fingers, Hollis realized how damn talented he was and it impressed the hell out of her. The other musicians also recognized it instantly and, after Dylan finished his short display, they invited him to play a song with them.

A smile lit his face and he nodded. Hollis moved out of the way and watched as the band launched into a fast-paced number that filled the air and, once again, the dance floor. Dylan’s dark eyes moved easily from the keys over the band members, following their lead and playing along with them.

The energetic song filled the evening air with spice and Hollis leaned against a nearby pole and tapped her foot. The entire thing was improvisation and it blew her away. She had no idea how they all played so well together and made it look like they had practiced for days beforehand.

When it was Dylan’s turn to shine, he slid his fingers down the keyboard and then launched into a mini solo while the other musicians pulled back. Hollis watched, enthralled, as the music literally poured from his talented fingers.

She wondered what else those long, talented fingers of his could do. God, she needed a cold drink of water. The humid night and Dylan’s playing were getting to her. Scaling her walls and filling her with a curiosity that made her want things from him that she knew would leave her vulnerable and exposed.

When the song ended, the musicians all clapped and shook Dylan’s hand. From her corner position, Hollis clapped, too, and watched as he sauntered over, positively glowing.

Dylan swooped in, picked Hollis up and spun her around. Then, he placed her feet back on the ground, lowered his face to her ear and whispered, “Thanks for that.”

“You’re really good,” she said.

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