Page 21 of Brighter than Gold

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“I take it that piece of paper wasn’t in your file?” Her eyes glittered.

Dylan laughed. “No.” He tapped a finger against the wheel, eyeing her closely. “If we do this, then we’re officially partners and split any finds 50/50.”

Her eyes clouded over. “No.”

Dammit, she loved being difficult. “My terms are non-negotiable.”

“So are mine.”

He turned his full attention on her and their gazes clashed.Unbelievable. Did she really plan to screw him over? Did she want revenge on him for the stunt he pulled five years ago? Dylan sighed. He supposed he deserved it.

But, he wanted trust between them. Otherwise, this was never going to work.

“Twenty percent-” she said.


“Can I finish?” she asked tartly.

“Sorry,” he said, and inclined his head.

“Twenty percent of the first $100,000 goes straight to the investors you stole the two gold bars from 5 years ago. The remainder will be divided 30/70. If we find more, we can renegotiate.”

She meant business and Dylan knew better than to push her. At least for now. “Why are you so sure I took that gold?”

“Because each chest held 50 bars. Tony took five, but there were only 43 left. I figured you were smart enough not to trust Tony and you pocketed a couple before we showed up.”

He nodded, impressed with her deduction, but admitted nothing. She was right, of course. The woman was more than just a pretty face and hot body. Hollis was smart. And, that made her even more attractive to him.

As the boat motored ahead, Hollis checked out all of the gizmos and gadgets around them.

“I have a new piece of equipment we can test in Cuba,” Dylan said, and she noticed the twinkle in his eye. “It’s gonna change the game.”

“How so?”

“Well, it’s a new kind of detector that can find more than just metals. It can see through silt and detect the difference between elements. So, you know right away whether you’re dealing with a bottle cap or a ruby.”

He had to be pulling her leg. “Nothing can do that,” she stated.

“Nothingusedto be able to do that,” he clarified, his tone completely serious.

“How do you afford all this, by the way?”

Dylan slid a sideways glance in her direction. “I had an investor who helped me get up and running,” he said carefully, not intending to give her any further information.


“Nice try.”

“What?” she asked, all innocence. “I thought we were supposed to trust each other.”

But, he didn’t say anything more.

Hollis rolled her neck and stretched. And, Dylan did his damned best not to notice the way her shirt tightened across her breasts. He let out a breath, ran a hand through his dark hair and turned his attention back to the ocean.

Dylan’s “investor” had been his mother. Before she died, she handed him a bank statement with $50 grand in it and made him promise not to use it to pay hospital bills.

“Use it to start your company,” she told him.

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